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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. AADiC

    Illegitmate ban?

    If you knew that the weapon was one that wasn't legitimately in the game, you should have never picked it up, or dropped it as soon as you knew. The statement that Rocket made needs to be expanded upon. If you know or are told that the weapon/vehicle is not legit, don't pick it up/use it, get rid of it ASAP or be removed from the server. Allowing someone to use a weapon/vehicle that is not legitimate, just because they are not the one that scripted it in is crazy.
  2. AADiC

    Ban appeal US 1037

    You realize it takes 1 minute to change your IP?
  3. So because I think it is bogus what your doing on your server, and I also think it is bogus that you use weapons that are not even in the game I can't choose a side? Both are not allowed, and yes I know about the asinine comment from Rocket saying that you can use scripted in weapons as long as you didn't script them in, so I don't see how I'm switching sides.
  4. AADiC

    Ban appeal US 1037

    People might listen a little more without the name calling.
  5. AADiC

    Ban appeal US 1037

    Like I said, the gun is not a legit weapon, you shouldn't use it. Anyone that hides behind the Rocket said I could is pitiful. Have some integrity and drop it. I would have asked you to loose it, if you didn't comply, you would have been kicked.
  6. AADiC

    us 65 owned by CKC multiple ban

    Admin see someone driving around in a Black SUV, right? If this would have happened our server, you would have been told that the vehicle was hacked in, and to get out so it could be destroyed. If you refused and quoted the ridiculous rule of Rockets, "you can't be kicked/banned for using a scripted/hacked in weapon/vehicle if you didn't script/hack it in" you would have been kicked, the vehicle destroyed and that would have ended the problem. Saying that it is wrong to script in a weapon/vehicle that is not in the MOD, but it is ok to use it as long as you didn't introduce it to the game is asinine. Why do you ask, well Players A - E all pitch in $5 to buy a BE Bypass. They then proceed to have Player A script in multiple weapons/vehicles, and everyone grabs one and goes about their merry way causing havoc in the server. Player A could be banned, but players b -e could not, how is that right in any universe? They should have asked you to get out so they could destroy it, if you refused, kick you, destroy it and continue having fun.
  7. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Ahhh, I think I'll stick around :P
  8. we didn't touched hacked weapons until rocket said it was ok" What a quote that is. It is sad that people will do this when they know it is wrong. Integrity folks, Rocket have put forth a piss poor set of rules, which is well known in the community. It escapes me why it is ok to use a hacked/scripted in weapon as long as you didn't hack/script it in. If you know it is not supposed to be in the game you shouldn't use it. Why don't you be the better person and not use weapons that are not supposed to be in the game?
  9. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Then I guess that you'll not be having a server very long.
  10. AADiC

    Ban appeal US 1037

    Also I carry a L85A2 AWS and an AS50 TWS (yes i know, haxxed weapon!!! I had a regular AS50 till i got t o the tents in question and why not...maybe haxxed bu t using it is not a banable offense yet...when it become s, i will change it) Stopped reading there. You know the weapons are not legit, but you continue to use them. Says tons about your character. Just that alone is enough to say you're guilty of whatever it is they said you did.
  11. Let me ask you something. Do you drop the heavy punishment hammer on people in your real life the very first time they do anything wrong? This guy fought for awhile, but then realized what he did was wrong and admitted to it. He said that it wouldn't happen again. Why do you want the most severe punishment for a first offense? That is serious overkill.
  12. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    If that is how you interpret that rule, then good luck to all the unfortunate people that are on your server when you suspect a hacker. I hope that once this game goes to stand alone that they have a central server structure so that misinterpretation of rules will not be an issue any longer.
  13. People who play in locked servers gain a huge advantage over others, thus ruining others gameplay.
  14. AADiC

    US 401

    That was May, this is August. What sucks is that ghosting is allowed in the current rules. :(
  15. The guy admits he did it wrong, says will do his best to not let it happen again. Would to ever have to be a subordinate to some of you people, one mistake and you would execute us.
  16. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Lol, you just told the Community Support Rep.to go fuck himself. Thank you for being so stupid this.morning and giving all of us a good laugh. Edit: So, he is looking through the logs, verifying who was hacking/scripting, THEN kicking them and only them from the server. Sorry, I thought he said he kick/bans everyone unknown to him, then looks through the logs to verify who was doing the hacking/scripting, leaves the ban on them and reinstates the rest.
  17. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    I completely understand what he did, and as can be seen from above, that style of "solving the issue" is not allowed.
  18. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    I believe Deadmeat is a SA for that server.
  19. AADiC

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    "No sense of logic", " I don't need to program a mod by myself to complain about another and saying rocket is incompetent in programming a mod for a community which is that big." Yes it is logical. When people complain about how incompetent someone is at something when they themselves have no idea how to do, that is "No sense of logic"
  20. AADiC

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    You obviously have no idea WTF your talking about.
  21. AADiC

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    Yah, hold your breath till they all shut down, lol.
  22. AADiC

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    When is your Mod/game being released?
  23. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Now, that says anyone on the server that you do not know gets a ban.
  24. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    What's a brah? And where do you see any rage? Nice try baiting me though.