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Everything posted by AADiC

  1. AADiC


    Someone has a scripted in weapon, they are asked to get rid of it, if the refuse, they get kicked. If they return and continue to use it they are perm. removed from the server. Play the game the way it was meant to be played.
  2. AADiC

    FI 20

    ^^^^ That
  3. AADiC

    Massive hacker camp

    TBH, I really don't think that any server will be blacklisted because they gave fair warning to someone who is using an illegal weapon/vehicle in the game, then removed them from the server. "Doing good things for the server", that is a GREAT quote. That is exactly what we are doing, insuring that there is a level playing field for EVERYONE on the server. Like I said, it is common sense, something that is greatly lacking in this community. If someone has something that no one else can obtain, without cheating, then they should not have it/be using it. It is UNFAIR to the other legitimate players.
  4. AADiC

    Massive hacker camp

    I am fully aware of what Rocket has said. If we see someone with a weapon/vehicle that is not legally in the game (scripted in), we will ask them to get rid of it. If they refuse, and say "Rocket says I can use this weapon/vehicle to gain an advantage over you", they will be kicked. If they return and continue to use it, they will be banned. It is common sense, the weapon/vehicle is not in the game for a reason, if you are made aware of the fact, and choose to continue cheating, you won't play on our server.
  5. AADiC

    Massive hacker camp

    I think you'll find many SA's that will rwmove you from their servers if you are running sround with scripted in stuff, especially if you are asked to get rid of it and ypu say "Rocket says i can use these illegal weapons as long as i didn't script them in" The kick/ban would be well deserved.
  6. AADiC

    Banned from US 1573

    It doesnt mean tht numerous people wanted.him banned. Read my other post
  7. AADiC

    Banned from US 1573

    It means tht a SA somewhere banned you and submitted your GUID to the communtiy ban list that alot of us SA's use. Chances are you'll never find out where it originated from I
  8. Dez, ignore thses folks. Just show everyone tht you can run a serever without anymore issues.
  9. It amazes me how people go, Rocket said so. USe your brain, the weapon is not in the game for a reason. I'm not saying ban right off the bat, but if after they have been told that it is a scripted in weapon and they still use it, then remove them from the server. Common sense people, common sense.
  10. AADiC

    US 561 ban list

    That is the truth, been kicked from my own server several times for that, not a legit reason to ban.
  11. AADiC

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    Yah, who cares that the server is locked and the Admin and his friends are gathering all the good gear. Who care that they can then posisition themselves, then server hop and RUIN OTHER PLAYERS GAMES
  12. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Then the guy is a dirtbag, deserves the ban.
  13. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    I was asking because if he is that is just a despicable thing to do.
  14. People who knowingly use a hacked in item deserve to be removed from the server regardless of who says they can't.
  15. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Mr Clean, are you in fact impersonating this guy who died?
  16. AADiC

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Edit: NVM, I see you have already given your typical smart ass response.
  17. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Someone who knowingly uses a scripted in weapon, one that will give than an advantage over other players, and uses "Cause Rocket said so", deserves a ban, It's common sense.
  18. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    I understand, it's obvious that you don't understand though. Anybody that willingly uses a scripted in weapon should be banned. The statement Rocket has made on the subject is asinine, ban the scikddie, but not the people that use the illegal weapon. If you can't see what is wrong with that, then your as bad as he is.. Oh and if you think that keeping hackers out of a server is so easy with these ridiculous rules, try it yourself. Edit: I can make sure you never have to play on our horrible server, just PM me your GUID, and it will be done :)
  19. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Sad example of people now a days. Well the Dev says it is not wrong to have just wrong to script it in, so i'll keep it and have a huge advantage over the rest of the people who play the game legitimately. Please come to our server with a scripted in weapon, US 1023, see how long you last.
  20. AADiC

    Global ban #7ffd

    InB4 Bonedripper rages on Redfield!!!!!!!
  21. AADiC

    DE 1564 - Continuously locked

    Every player has a responsibility to ensure that the rules.are being followed. If a player doesn't report an admin for breaking the rules.who will?
  22. Lock server, obtain top tier gear, position self in advantageous spots, server hop, destroy people. Seems like an advantage to me.
  23. AADiC

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Sorry, haven't been a kid for 26 years or so. If you use a weapon that was scripted into the game you are a cheater/exploiter, and should, and will be banned on our server.