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About RMF

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RMF

    rename the mod CrawlZ

    It's not a coincidence, it's been like that since I started playing the mod. They do gravitate towards you, detected or not and it's not something new with the latest update. The only difference now is that you can't fast crawl past themso it's more noticeable and more of a pain in the arse. Anyway, I agree with everything you've said regarding the zombies and would rather have the build of the game that was out when I first started playing. 1.5 I believe. I feel that the mod has gone backwards with every update and the zombie madness along with the new spawn system is only the latest of what's become a string of poor decisions by the team. That's just my personal opinion.
  2. RMF

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    I know it's only an alpha, but it seems to me that it's getting worse with every update instead of beta :P In all seriousness, the zombies spawn way too fast, and can see you way too easily.
  3. RMF

    Hacker ban ineffective

    Dallas 23 was freaking destroyed. I was in there but looks like just after it happened as it was almost empty, but a lot of the building in Stary Sobor were blown up. Here's a screenshot I took. Never seen that before..lol. Also, the long barn just off of the military tents was completely flattened.
  4. RMF

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    Just tried it in my i5 macbook pro. Runs like shit! :D
  5. RMF

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    I have a high end desktop PC, but I loooove my macbook pro just as much, but hey..haters gonna hate! :rolleyes:
  6. Same here on Galaxy s2. Black screen :(
  7. Rocket has simply removed the one thing that made this game different from all the rest. Bravo.
  8. RMF

    I keep respawning dead.

    I spawned under a house. I could still crawl but when I stood up i collapsed with the hourglass. I eventually glitched out of the hous but since then, whenever I spawn I immediate;y collapse with the hourglass on the screen. It takes around 10 minutes for it to wear off and then I'm fine again until I disconnect and reconnect again. It's a pain in the arse.
  9. It's a terrible idea. There should be consequences for killing innocents. Removing the bandit skin will mean that there is none. People will be killing other players for as little as a can of beans.