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About Robskin

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Robskin Bug i think?

    Never mind, i had to run out of town, but still :s i found 8 backpacks, that shouldnt be normal??
  2. Robskin Bug i think?

    Ye, yesterday the was not released?
  3. Hey, when i just updated my game"dayz" to the server i joined just drops bags and camping tents :P I found one crowbar thought. In total i found 8 backpacks, 1 camping tent and one crowbar. Not even an empty tin can.... That is all i found, in 1 house, 1 firestation and 1 general store :)
  4. Robskin

    Ghillie Suit?

    What evs, thanks for you answers ;) maybe ill find some :D
  5. Robskin

    Ghillie Suit?

    Hey, i just updated the six launcher now, and i'm wondering if that update fixed the ghillie suit spawn. It still says though, so i'm not sure.
  6. Hey, i'm running DayZ on normal graphics, with 1920-1080p resolution. Specs: 8 GB's ram Ddr3 2.20GHz Quad Core CPU 3GB Graphic Card "Nvidia GeForce GTX 560m" i have 120 GB left storage on my HDD Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit