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About d1rtyd3vil

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  1. d1rtyd3vil

    Outdated Servers?

    I got the same issue, and why we want to join? because the server is NOT outdated. I updated my server yesterday to the latest version and it still says "server is outdated" ...and then im stuck on loading screen. Edit : Its because the server is patched to and THAT patch does not exist anymore , i just rolled back my server to
  2. 10000000 Thumbs up for you dude :D . I dont know your name but srsly THATS the right answer to everything here. And after that perfect statement of a neutral person i am going to sleep :) c.Y.a guys tomorow and again read that Quoted post and get into it. oh and YOU HAVE MY BEANS ! =)
  3. http://southcoastbeanwars.com/dayz-maps/Vehicle-spawn-map.jpg you srsly wanna tell me that there is no spwan point? ... and not even 1 here is using scripts. i cant force anyone to play on my server. but i can guarantee you that NO ONE is using ANY scripts or ANY hacking like devices. I like competition on the server.but you can just take my word that no one is playing the way you think or i just honestly have to say that there is no space for you guys. And i hope you know that you just kill the reputation of the server if you talk about even 1 person on the server like that. I hope you will get clear minded about that Case. And you know what? i still say it were 2 times and if someone else has killed you another time then it doesnt mean it is someone from us. Again sorry for your bad luck but i hope you know that even the rules say you just have rights to say something like that if you have a proof and not just "we got killed 3 times from someone on the server" .
  4. Lt. Bravo . I dont know what your talking about "3 times" ... im not always running around with my guys cause of that lag . But Srsly i heard that you had a RED UaZ and a HATCHBACK . And for GODS sake . YOU wanna tell me that we would risk our lives (IF WE COULD SCRIP!) to get an HATCHBACK and a 10 Km/h driving UAZ ???? are you serious? I was there in the teamspeak and they just asked like "wanna go and look for that inflatable boat?" . Yea sure it was luck but i say it again . My ppl didnt get you 3 times. 1 time in your camp and 1 time right now at the boat spwan. So again would you mind stop talking about scripting and that shit? ALL those cars you had were ours a while ago, do you really think we wouldnt have gone for you earlier if we were using scripts? .... Think over it and then think about the fact if you are able to play this game if you dont know how to lose stuff and keep on fighting like a survivor . So just again for everyone . NO one is using scripts here. It took me about 4 hours to figure out how to change the MAX ping on the server so i can play on MY server. So think about how much i know about Scripts. And if i hear this script stuff one more time i will get rid of the server for all. Im trying to keep everything running with good performance and just because you have a bad time it doesnt mean everyone is scripting. You can tell me im using scripts when i make a Drive By with a Tank big like a house. But be4 that please stop calling everyone a Hacker. Regards Admin of LU150 and everyone has bad days. And in DayZ everyone will lose everything sometime. Even we did a lot of times.
  5. That is what keeps DayZ alive, the will to get your goods , and if you have all you get bored, thats it whats makes the game always playable. And dont worry about "Scripting" first of all i dont think that it works and 2. Everyone is playing fair. Im playing alot on my server and i didnt see anyone doing something wrong like a hacker or something like that. So just keep on hunting for your stuff and enjoy playing without raging in the Forums. Because i am paying for this server because i didnt like the way many people handle there Server. So on LU150 you dont have to worry about "unfair gameplay" . Have fun and good hunting.
  6. Srsly i didnt read everything ... but you really think you can yell at me like that even if you dont know anything? ... if you would see my PING ingame you would know that i would not even raid ANYTHING, im at work in the barracks and I , the ONLY one who has admin rights didnt restart anything DIRECTLY with a ~ 400 Ping , instead i am the one whos running around towns searching for supplys and dieing cause of LAG . So you really should watch your talking if you really want to continue to play on a server I AM PAYING FOR that YOU guys can play on. If you want to blame then try to blame the fact that YOU are building a Camp where EVERYONE on EVERY damn server is building, END OF THE MAP! thats EVERYONE doing. and if you tell in a Forum that YOU have a camp on our server . The FIRST thing thats everyone going to do is to search the END OF MAP to find you. So that "well hidden Camp" wasnt hidden at all when i see that map. And now again watch your Words if you dont have any Facts about a Admin who has degreased the Server restarts for you guys to play without restart every 4 Hours. No one thinks even about saying Thank you for paying for that shit 1 time. So STOP FLAMING and start to play like a man in a Survival game. So at the end go and try to play this game with a high ping and you will see that you cant do shit if it comes to fighting. And if i see anyone talking like that again you will lose the welcome rights on our Server just to let you guys know.
  7. d1rtyd3vil

    To the Admin of LU150

    Server is back online. I know that its controlled by the Hive. But i had a long talk with a DayZ staff and so i had to do some things. Dont know now even if the vehicles are back. Let me know if you got your vehicles back, Otherwise i have to send a mail again.
  8. d1rtyd3vil

    To the Admin of LU150

    The server is updated. But i bought it down cause of that vehicle bug. I dont want ppl to farm cars to lose them 1 hour later. i will bring it back online soon
  9. d1rtyd3vil

    To the Admin of LU150

    hey there, since i dont have much time here is a fast reply. I already have talked to my host and to DayZ staff self that all cars vanished . I hope they get it fixed soon. since i as an admin cant despwan cars or spwan them in any way. Regards. D1rtyD3vil
  10. d1rtyd3vil

    [Hacker] LU150 D1rtyD3vil

    Dude ... srsly i play alot on my server but THAT ? are you serious ... ? thats killing the Reputation of the server and i hope you know that. NO ONE can teleport anywhere, and im walking around the game about 2hours per day when i have alot of playtime (remember WALKING) and wtf are you even sure about that it was ME ?? i dont have name tags on so WTF are you saying such confusing stuff? edit : oh AND to point that out , i NEVER had a M 249. So srsly i always try to keep the server lag free and always try to warn everyone be4 i restart the server. So srsly just play on another server if your talking such nonsense. and 2. BE4 you talk about Admin abuse you should read THIS. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22386-admin-abuse-what-you-need-to-know/
  11. d1rtyd3vil

    Ghillie Suit gone

    same here at my char and of some friends. Logged off with ghillie and logged in with civilian stuff .... -.-
  12. what "awesome" host doesnt have support at weekends? ... that doesnt sound like a awesome host.
  13. Hey , srsly is this "INSTANT SETUP" just a joke? we wanted to make a nice weekend DayZ gametime but im STILL waiting for my server to go up. i already was 5 hours in that "ONLINE CHAT ****" of vilayer yesterday and didnt even got a answer on anything. Payed for 1 month and the game time is already getting less even if that server isnt Online... i hope anyone works there on the weekend otherwise im going to get my money back
  14. d1rtyd3vil

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    Hello Community, I would like to ask here if any Community Manager here could blacklist the "EU 26" Server ? Me and some friends already played for a while , and after we gathered in our Camp we just got kicked due to server restart, and now since about 1 hour the server is Passworded and 1 Player named "RickGrimes" is playing alone 1/40 . Would be cool if someone could help me out.