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Everything posted by draven501

  1. draven501

    Looking for standalone partners

    I might want to meet up, I'll be on for the rest of today probably
  2. IMO the M16A4 ACOG is the best AR, I had just picked one up when I heard the drone of a Ural approaching. It was 400 meters away and closing. I lined up the shot and killed the driver, then the passenger. Two shots, two kills. I didn't have much time to enjoy my new gun and truck as I got headshoted with a Lee-Enfield when I was doing 50 or so (props to the guy who killed me)
  3. draven501

    does hacking happen often?

    I was on a taviana private hive with three online admins, then whole server got thunderdome'd. The admins shut down and rolled back the server. Fast forward about 30 mins, I was gearing up and was proud of myself for finding a kobra in a firehouse. Then out of nowhere another thunderdome. Same thing again, admins shut down and rolled back. 45 minutes or so later I had found a bike and was merrily riding around when the server got thunderdome'd a third time and the admins rage quit.
  4. draven501

    I need a boat. - Paying.

    On my personal server I kept all my stuff btw, you could place a tent with all your gear and try swimming to see what happens
  5. draven501

    I need a boat. - Paying.

    Boats are TERRIBLE you can walk faster than them my best advice is to swim across lots of times, it is what me and my friend did (twice, yes two choppers)
  6. Some might know them but they wont part with that information lightly
  7. draven501

    Servers Down?

    disregard this
  8. I have been looking for a new vehicle for some time now, I had an ATV but it got flipped so I had to abandon it. I have been looking in the NW corner of the map to no avail. I am aware of vehicle spawn maps and vehicle hoarding. I was wondering if anyone could provide some tips on finding vehicles.
  9. draven501

    Vehicle Finding Tips

    I managed to flip it outside the Komarovo factory, the server hadn't restarted for two days so I gave up on it, that was three days ago so it is almost certainly gone by now
  10. draven501

    Vehicle Finding Tips

    Thanks for the advice guys, but I found this vehicle like most find thiers, I had ran out of water and was making my way back to civilization when I stumbled upon it. A white Toyota Hilux pickup just sitting there in it's original spawn point.
  11. draven501

    Vehicle Finding Tips

    Thanks for the advice :)
  12. So should I just show up with my payment and ask for what I want?
  13. draven501

    i wanna get a car or something

    I really want to find a vehicle and have been searching the north western western edge of the map for camps with no avail, any other tips?
  14. draven501

    How well geared are you?

    M14 w/ 6 mags PDW w/ 2 PDW and three g17 mags 2x Smoke Genades 1x Frag ALICE Pack (Can't seem to find a coyote ever) 2x morphine 2x painkillers 1x epi-pen 4x Bandages 1x Bloodbag 4x Coke (I try to have this but not always) 3x Steaks
  15. How much would you want for a basic vehicle? (GAZ, Datsun Pickup, Skoda, Hatchback)
  16. Well if you want human contact just hang around the Stary Sobor military tents for more than five minutes
  17. draven501


    I flipped my ATV less than half an hour after getting it going, please fix this Rocket EDIT: I was just driving over some train tracks when it flipped, It should not have flipped
  18. draven501

    looking for a small group (US)

    I'm up to play a bit later, Im 16 btw Steam: draven501 Skype: alistair_george in-game name: Alistair
  19. This was a couple weeks ago, I had fixed up a bus I found in the centre of Cherno and I decided to drive north along the coast looting as I went (not the smartest choice in hindsight) I eventually made my way to Berezino. I looted the supermarket and a couple of apartments, filling my bus with 10 or so cans of food. I then continued along the main road only to find it was blocked. I start backing my bus up the way I came (buses have absolutely terrible handling) I was going very slowly to avoid hitting any junk or broken vehicles on the road. I hear large calibre gunshots hitting my bus and my heart literally almost jumps out of my chest. I am incredibly worried about my new bus (the engine health on the bus was red and wouldn't take much for it to explode). The shooter is rationing his shots as to preserve my bus. I am hit once, the shot brings me down to 5000 or so blood and I am bleeding profusely. I have no idea where the shooter is, the way behind me would take a too long and possibly put me in full view of the shooter. I floor the accelerator heading towards the barricade. Then I see a gap between the barricade and the building on the side of the road. I pray my bus will fit between, it doesn't. My bus is stuck, the shooting has stopped for now. I am still bleeding, down to 3000 blood, I back the bus out and get it through this time, as I drive through the gap the shooting starts again. I don't stop I keep going. I am driving painfully slow across the grass. I find a road leading out of the city, I take it. I pass out while driving, almost hitting a tree at 70 kph. I get out and bandage myself, It was very close I bandaged myself with 200 blood left. I get back in the bus and eat all the food I took from the supermarket bringing my blood back to 2000. I later slaughter a cow which brings my blood up to 5000. This was my most memorable DayZ Also if the shooter is reading this I hold nothing against you I may have done the same in your position.
  20. draven501

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Bump, this is too good to be buried
  21. draven501

    DayZ Buddy? :D

    which one are you (i just got 2 requests) EDIT: yes i can play now
  22. same here, the temptation of m16's and nvg always does me in
  23. draven501

    DayZ Buddy? :D

    Hey, iv'e been going solo mostly and im looking for somebody to team up with. I currently have decent gear. My Skype is: alistair_george
  24. It can get awfully lonely out there sometimes and I would like to have some people to play with I am an experienced player and can give some pointers. PM me and ill send you my skype and steam
  25. draven501

    can you retreive your own body?

    IDK the time it takes to despawn but I have found my own body and looted it (did this a while ago though)