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About kritikal

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    On the Coast
  1. It's pretty sad when the debate in this thread went from suggestions on how to improve third person to the typical "first person shouldn't try to change third" and vice-versa. From the jump, the OP specifically stated that he had no intent to even imply the opinion of removing third-person. The debate here is how to improve third person by removing its inherent advantages. Yes, most third-person players are used to the angle of the camera and used to peeking over walls/obstacles/etc. Just because the public is used to something does not mean that things shouldn't change. The world was used to slavery until brave people fought to abolish it in civilized countries. TPP isn't the problem; the current implementation of it, though, is. It truly turns Dayz into Camp Online. If you're already in an elevated position where there isn't higher elevation to spot you, you have a superior tactical advantage, and that advantage is heightened ad infinitum by being able to cover a vast amount of now visible area with virtually zero risk. Find a target? Call it out or plan your attack so that by the time the poor victim sees you, you already have a head shot lined up and they stand zero chance provided your zeroing or ability to aim is even half way decent. Being able to see without being seen is truly a crutch, and I will admit that I gratuitously abuse the feature because I have the capability to do so. If I'm posted up in a building covering a decent area, I will not die. I will see people coming at least 30 seconds in advance and as far as they're aware, the area is desolate. Since they can't see me, I will sneakily move to a position where I cannot be "peeked" and ready to lay waste to the unsuspecting player whom relies on the "exploit" so much that their reaction time has barely improved from day zero because it didn't need to. Humans have to adapt to their surroundings, and abilities to react are part of that. If you've spent your whole life in a bubble and never had to catch a falling object, if the situation occurs 30 years into your life, I can virtually guarantee that you will not make that catch. It's, essentially, "dumbing" down the player base. In essence, I as a player enjoy both games modes -- they both have their pros and cons. I play TPP because it's "easier", because most of my friends play TPP, and it's fun to be hated because the perspective is too damn easy once you learn how to manipulate the mechanics to your advantage. Cover an area with a half dozen guys all covering each other, and good luck eliminating them when they see you coming but until they start shooting, are essentially invisible. 4th wall looks promising, but is a change with flaws of its own. The sudden appearance of an object in TPP would be even more of a giveaway that something that is not the terrain is present, especially in the distance. Skills like sniping would be restricted to counter sniping some noob that hasn't realized they're more exposed than they ever were. At this time, either alter the camera's height or don't allow three-dimensional rotation of the third person camera. Peeking (through windows) commonly occurs by lowering the torso causing the camera to not be above and behind, but above and in front. Peeking over roofs is simply due to the height of the camera, and peeking over wall is a combined A and B. Too subtle a change and it won't be any better than the given system, while too drastic a change will completely eliminate most people using the third person perspective due to there being no massive advantage to offset the lesser, but also important, inherent disadvantage (inaccuracy in combat, loss of vision of what's in front of your body). You're already angering the masses with things as they are, and even more will be angered with any changes whatsoever, so that's likely why they haven't made any significant changes to it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't -- might as well be damned with less effort. Have my beans, there's my two cents.
  2. kritikal

    CMYD recruitment

    "mature" and "10+" in the same sentence... sounds legit... wrong thread too (clan recruitment).
  3. kritikal

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    All I've seen in this thread is mostly whining about what is probably one of the best updates since SA's Early Access Alpha release. Yeah, there's pros and cons to both of the timers added (log-out and log-in), but it's a drastic improvement over the former state of the game (get the jump on someone or panic log if they missed you). Yeah, it puts legit players at a slight disadvantage, but it puts the players that abused engine limitations at a much heavier one, of which the aim of the timers is in the first place, and with that I say "mission accomplished!". Players now have to fight or flee I've already killed a few people that tried to log out on me when I approached them -- people in most of those cases I would have let live had they not tried to log out when I made my presence known. If you're that scared of interacting with players (whether you have the ability to defend yourself or not is irrelevant), maybe DayZ Standalone isn't the right game for you -- I hear Hello Kitty Adventures is care-bear friendly, check it out. While I do see the argument for the legit players in regard to the log-in timer, which is to join a server only to have it reboot in minutes and be stuck having to wait for a log-in timer to tick down, I'm fine with that timer if I know it will buy me a few more minutes if someone plans to ghost me -- a small price to pay. This doesn't even begin to offset the disadvantage to server hoppers. If you change servers that often, you're either trying to loot whore high-value areas or find people to kill, and to that I say "Someone call the waaaaaaambulance!". If you're legit, and you're having lag issues, that's what the Favorites tab of the server browser is for. If you find a server that doesn't lag, make a note of the server you joined then add it when you're done. There's very simple ways to mitigate the legit player disadvantage to make it next to none. In regard to the log-out timer, there is very little in the way of legit arguments for it. If you get stalked and killed during that 30 second log-out timer, you were essentially combat logging -- you just didn't know it. If you got hit by a zombie clipping through walls during that 30 seconds, you likely won't die -- you'll just be bleeding when you log in. If you somehow managed to die, then you didn't take care of your blood/health enough to avoid critical blood/health loss or shock > blood, and that's on you. It's not hard at all to get healthy with the revamped hunger/thirst system. If you're standing still in a building or crouched + walk (as opposed to standing + jog), you likely wouldn't have drawn aggro. Stop running around like an idiot. Any argument recommending being able to see your surroundings during log-out timer is exploitable. Again, if you died within that 30 seconds, you either logged out in the open, were being stalked by another player, combat logged, or weren't being stealthily enough to avoid zombie aggro. Don't log out in the heart of Elektro (or any frequently accessed area). All in all, this is a permadeath game, so don't get attached to your gear. It's not hard at all to get re-geared without server hopping/etc. You don't have to loot high-value buildings to get gear, you just need to know where else to look (or do you not care to?). Rocket, you have my beans for making so many baddies shed wimpy tears.
  4. Love the death messages! New intro music is great when you're dropping in after death, too... keep it up!
  5. That event was epic... nighttime FFA, I had a blast! 2nd place, but didn't win anything... next time... these admins ROCK!
  6. I remember prior to the 1.7.2 patch there were some servers that were not directly connected to the hive, but were a secondary hive of sorts where players could play on an alternative character among a small group of servers. After the 1.7.2 patch I cannot find these servers anyone. My question is that do servers like this still exist and are they populated at all? I prefer to only play my hive character when I'm playing with friends, and would like to play that alternative character when I am soloing. Does anyone know of these alternative hive servers, or if they even still exist?
  7. kritikal

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Edit: I joined "Canada 1" and was about 1KM from Pavlovo and didn't get spawn killed... it also reset my hunger/thirst bar... glad that worked out.. no location reset needed.
  8. kritikal

    LOST EVERYTHING Did not die.

    I just had the same thing happen to me. I log into Arma 2 OA, load a server, and my inventory is completely empty. What's going on? :/