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drippy spaff

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About drippy spaff

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. drippy spaff

    Anyone seen the trailer for "The Day"

    Made by WWE studios? Atleast the acting will be good ;) seriously though this'll be god awful
  2. if i were you i'd trade it!
  3. drippy spaff

    patch 1.7.3

    waaaaaaaaaah rocket is implementing more features on the game I'm playing for free, it's the end of the fucking world. ever thought there might be hotfixes alongside the dogs?
  4. alright there comedian calm down. If you actually bothered to read through my post i believe i even said 'if that's your idea of humor you're a pretty unfunny fucker' a quote which i still stand by, i think the fact that you believe that what you said was funny might actually be even more sad then if you'd been serious :/ i feel quite sorry for someone like you who lacks social skills and the ability to understand humor in general. chin up there champ! EDIT: also using the word 'satire' over again doesn't make you appear more smart, yes we understand you can use a thesaurus, well done, but lets have a little more variation in your posts eh! cheers buddy!
  5. hahaa i love the way this bloke went from crying and raging then as soon as everyone else started ripping him about it he just started back-peddling and saying it was 'satire' Mate if that's your idea of humor you're a pretty unfunny fucker! between you and harry hill I can't determine whose comedy is more lacking quite frankly. but sounds like you were lucky to get robbed by who you did, you can't expect someone to drive by on bikes see two trucks and not want to take them, the fact they left you with anything and didn't blow it up to spite you is a marvel in itself. To be honest if the people realized you're as big of a douchebag as you are i bet they'd wished they'd left you with nothing, although if you cried anymore you might drown in your own room the rate you're going. dickhead
  6. sadly i have to call bullshit on this one.
  7. drippy spaff

    who here wants a tent!

    tell you what, I'll trade you my tent for a handjob and some nvg's and i'll tell you where you can place it.
  8. drippy spaff

    How to properly ride a bicycle

    i have been to funerals that were funnier then that video. But please don't let that stop you making shit videos on youtube
  9. drippy spaff

    who here wants a tent!

  10. drippy spaff

    your best moment of discovery

    weird i've found atleast like 5 cans now? it doesn't seem that rare!
  11. there're a lot of threads similar but i don't think they properly highlight the point i want to make here which is just the moment of awe when you discover something amazing or something new today i saw a post on these forums saying about a tonne of loot on the server DE 7 so i figured i'd go check this camp out with my character which i had for like a week he had like 8 mags of AK a full tool-belt NVG's and all that jazz but i was coming along and saw the outline of what i thought was a little kiosk in the middle of the road and low and behold i found it was a bus. The first kind of vehicle i had ever found just sat in the middle of the road. fully repaired and fully fueled so i got going in a proper good road trip was going down a hill at about 70 then boom roadblock and the whole thing got FUCKED. no longer drove and i had broken 2 bones, i left the bus and i was sort of stuck in a humvee it was glitching so i disconnected, reconnected and for some reason a huge timer was there and it went for ages so that sucked as i got ate by zombies but yeah. The coolest thing to ever happen to me by far!
  12. drippy spaff

    who here wants a tent!

    still holding out for a better offer i don't see many tents about to be honest
  13. drippy spaff

    who here wants a tent!

    clearly sarcasm is just to much for some people. It's pretty fucking clear i wasn't serious :L i'm not an idiot
  14. drippy spaff

    who here wants a tent!

    they used to be mountain dew or what? i need to know the kind of can dude. what'd you take me for
  15. drippy spaff

    who here wants a tent!

    keep the offers coming people 8-)