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Posts posted by Darc

  1. Really Rocket, really?

    This is Alpha, we all know that because this forum has like 1000 users who dedicated their time to tell you "ALPHAZ!!111oneoneeleven" as soon as you "whine" about something, and in broken Alpha like DayZ mod is you decided to remove Respawn feature?

    - Hackers: teleport you around, break your leg(s), send you to debug forest.

    - Spawns: debug forest.

    - Playing with friends: I am playing with 5-8 people, can you imagine nightmare of us getting together now? We will literally spend HOURS to just meet and start playing together, that is your intention that goes along with game's core design? I have to quit my job and my friends have to quit their studies if they want to play few hours of DayZ with me, because now... well... it's impossible to play DayZ for couple of hours as we will spend those couple of hours just running to find each other.

    Oh cmon, don't just remove something like Respawning without giving us any alternative. What the fuck is my alternative if hacker breaks my leg in middle of nowhere while I am running through the forest? Is part of game's core design to have damn hacker on every damn server breaking my legs and teleporting me around? Most of people are already annoyed by overal hacking in this game, now we have to think about being stuck in nowhere without option to respawn/start from scratch.

    Thank you Rocket, and your data collecting.

    I don't even know what is benefit of ALT+F4 in DayZ but people are talking about that as it is form of hacking. I guess people escape danger doing ALT+F4 but I never understood why is it different then Abort->Disconnect.

    Anyway, fighting against anything that annoys most of players is always good and nice but reading like 20 pages of this thread I found out you will also bring a lot of problems to legitimate users.

    - Server/Client Performance: for some reason I can't explain nor understand why is my FPS changed by server's performance based on hardware and/or internet it has. I can NOT know if server I am joining will work well for me hence every day I am playing DayZ I have to change at least few servers before I find one that works fine. Why should I get punished for trying to play this game on server that gives me more then 15 FPS?

    - Friends: same thing as above, different people have different PC configurations. When I play with friends some server we pick gives good performance to half of our group, while other half has shitty FPS. We gotta keep "server hoping" until we find server that works decently for everyone. Punish us? Of course, we are such abusers and exploiters...

    - Misleading server information: AT LEAST half of servers "lie" about timezone and settings. Countless and countless of times I entered server where (by description) it should've been day but is night, or it says "CH:ON" but CH is OFF and so on. Should I be also punished because server admin doesn't care for updating server's name and description?

    Basically this patch just PUNISHES me as legitimate user that doesn't ALT+F4, doesn't server hop for loot, doesn't abuse this game by any other means and surely doesn't hack. I play as legit as it is possible and after this patch I'll have HARD time playing with friends, I'll get punished for going through difficult process of finding decent server - difficult process that GAME/mod enforced on me, also I will spend my DayZ playtime running and trying to find friends OR I will crawl in forest for hours trying to find a zombie to kill me after hacker teleports me to forest and breaks my leg. Or... I will just be stuck in debug forest.

    Really nice of you Rocket, instead of fixing bugs/hacks/performance issues that are here for months or AT LEAST enforcing same DayZ version/beta patch version on all servers you are adding Bear Traps and shitting on players who play this legit.

    Thanks dude.

    Nice copy paste. Good work!

  2. It's so easy to predict what you people will say/post it's sad. It's pretty funny this is what the forums have turned into. Post your opinon get attacked, told to "gtfo" and people act like they know what game is for me and what isn't. I've playing day-z regularly for a while and enjoy it so im pretty sure the game "is for me". The funny thing is if rocket posted that he was adding a feature to choose where you spawn the same people trolling me would be telling rocket what a great idea that is.

    I don't care whether or not we get to choose our spawn location. To me, it is utterly irrelevant.

    What I do care about is people like you who fail to realize that this is an experiment and attack the change without even playing it. If you had just been more objective with your voice I wouldn't have had a problem. However, you instead look at the situation with little perspective and care only about your own selfish desires.

  3. Ignore it yet comment on it? It matters because people are making it seem like I'm too stupid to meet up with a friend and it will be challenging to run to see someone. It's not challenging at all and it will present no challenge to me and most players. They simply don't want to waste the time. Why should people try and make me feel like a pussy for wanting to have fun in a computer game? I really dont understand it.

    Go play guild wars. Free fast travel all over the expansive world, problem solved!

    • Like 2

  4. I accept it is going to be a, well, bitch.

    But we need to see what affect this kind of forced spawn will have on players. It will make dying more significant. We need to see what response this will actually have with the data, not just the QQ from people on the forums. It is like previous updates where we had to try controversial things. This update will, unfortunately, come in before we have had a chance to look at group spawn mechanics.

    Won't people just run towards the nearest zed?

    Not that I'm even against, I actually like the idea of being forced to spawn somewhere random. The update does seem it will do very little from having players pick their spawn other than having it take more time.

    On the flip side, this will also be helpful for having server load be more flat over a timeline.

  5. You are my new favorite person on these forums.

    On topic: Once I find gear I like, I usually start to play much more cautiously. When I'm fairly fresh however, with an Enfield or Winchester or something, I give absolutely no fucks and usually just run around the cities and loot everything I can find

    You could say he is... merciless

  6. The game itself is great, really, I'm a huge fan of zombies, games, movies.. You name it. Yeah, I managed to find so many worthwhile weapons then someone shoots me from out of nowhere and I have to respawn, it's ridic.

    I was just in a server for at least 2 hours, sitting on top of a building watching players run up and kill each other. It was insane. Then one guy pretended he was gonna help me find the sniper shooting at me, but then he killed the sniper and shot me.

    Hopefully I can learn to use the mouse a little better, get a sharper shot and so on. Player killers really need to gtf, you can pretty much tell that most of them are skinny-not-very-bright-virgins who more than likely still live with their parents.


  7. Don't really see what the problem is.

    If any dev were to piss off the community to the point that it drives a large majority of it away, I don't see why rocket shouldn't feel any different.

    Hell, he has the right to be even more afraid than most because his game isn't even meant to be easy. He's gotta strike that balance of ease and keeping with the plan. He could just go full-on hardcore, but then he loses his alpha testers. He loses his alpha testers, and he loses his game's growth. The game's growth halts, and suddenly, all the work he's put into it is for naught.

    So... what's the point of this topic?

    Actually he states in the Gamebreaker.tv interview that his development cycle was faster with fewer people. You don't need 500,000 people to Alpha test...

    And in a way, that really is the problem. Seeing what Rocket has in planning for the mod, one can see it truly is just in alpha. However, it does not have the player-base of an Alpha, and at times it can seem like a fully fleshed out game. People expect too much from it.

  8. Do some extra chores or something.

    Don't buy smokes for 2 weeks.

    Lay down the bottle of booze for a while.

    $60 isn't much to spend on a game that makes all your wishes and dreams come true.

    DayZ is like a fluffy cloud land filled with hot naked chicks trying to eat you.

    $60 is really that much period >.>

  9. MasterCaution' pid='24291' dateline='1337087054']

    This is an Alpha mod.

    If you paid $25 for a game to play an alpha mod then perhaps you should have paid attention as well.

    If you live in a bubble and do not pay any attention to the forums then it is you who are to blame.

    The Devs are not responsible for making sure every single person understands every single rule.

    In every multiplayer game I have ever played' date=' the player is responsible for understanding and abiding by the rules.


    I'm sorry but this is pure bullshit. Not only that, but this kind of brownosing is hurting the overall community as much as ppl that are bitching about too much realism and high difficulty. I agree that cheaters should be banned without warning, but there should be a clear set of rules to follow. Claiming that it's a noobs fault that he was banned for picking up cheat weapon from a corpse, because he didn't look in the forums, is stupid for two reasons.

    1) There is no list of legit equipment

    2) There are no rules

    How can you justify banning someone for breaking the rules, if THERE ARE NO RULES? ***Following your logic Rocket could just as well ban you for whatever reason***, and you couldn't say anything, because he banned you for a rule you didn't even know existed.

    If there's going to be a future for this mod, we need a structure. And this can only be achieved by community feedback. The problem is right now this feedback is constantly being diluted and pushed aside by self entilted players that think of every person with a new suggestion as a "stupid whiner/cod kid". And that's not cool. Banning people for lack of knowledge is also not cool. What is cool however is listening to the community, learning from your mistakes and evolving.

    Well... he can ban you for whatever reason he wants. You have no right to play the DayZ mod at all. No one does (except I suppose for rocket himself)
