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About Darc

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    Lee University
  1. I've yet to run into a single one and I've played several hours a day for.. how long?
  2. Darc

    Pending Update: Build

    Nice copy paste. Good work!
  3. Darc

    Pending Update: Build

    I don't care whether or not we get to choose our spawn location. To me, it is utterly irrelevant. What I do care about is people like you who fail to realize that this is an experiment and attack the change without even playing it. If you had just been more objective with your voice I wouldn't have had a problem. However, you instead look at the situation with little perspective and care only about your own selfish desires.
  4. Darc

    Pending Update: Build

    Go play guild wars. Free fast travel all over the expansive world, problem solved!
  5. Darc

    Pending Update: Build

    Won't people just run towards the nearest zed? Not that I'm even against, I actually like the idea of being forced to spawn somewhere random. The update does seem it will do very little from having players pick their spawn other than having it take more time. On the flip side, this will also be helpful for having server load be more flat over a timeline.
  6. Not to mention he has already answered all of these (asking him to imagine that he weren't a dev is rather pointless, as his point of view will be affected by it regardless).
  7. You could say he is... merciless
  8. Actually he states in the Gamebreaker.tv interview that his development cycle was faster with fewer people. You don't need 500,000 people to Alpha test... And in a way, that really is the problem. Seeing what Rocket has in planning for the mod, one can see it truly is just in alpha. However, it does not have the player-base of an Alpha, and at times it can seem like a fully fleshed out game. People expect too much from it.
  9. The game is hanging every couple of seconds for me. Its not an FPS issue (hitting 40+ consistently, good comp) and from what I can tell not a network issue
  10. Darc

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    $60 is really that much period >.>
  11. Darc

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Well... he can ban you for whatever reason he wants. You have no right to play the DayZ mod at all. No one does (except I suppose for rocket himself)