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Posts posted by dadgoat

  1. Hello I have played DayZ the mod for a while, and decided that buying the standalone copy was a good idea. The only problem is I don't have any friends that bought it yet and am looking to team up with someone. I live on the east-coast, and have fairly good internet so server location is not a issue, along with that I have a mic. In terms of the game I was making my way to "Kamenka". I have a fair amount of supplies and was hoping that we could scavenge together and so forth. 

    Skype: dadgoat

    Steam: dadgoat


    Thank you for reading my post, and good luck with finding a can opener.

  2. Hey I would be interested in joining as a spotter, been looking for a small group of players to join up with and I have a mic. I have been playing since June. Recently took a break from the game so I need a group.


    Thanks for reading this!

    • Like 1

  3. Hello, I'm in need of a serious group. I was in a old group but recently kicked, no reason given just banned of there TS3 (cowards). So I stand here. I'm 14, lets get that straight, but do not think I'm immature. I would love to be in a group with some people that own there own server and TS3 server, not necessary though. Preferred amount of people would be 3-15, odd numbers, but I don't really care on the amount. I live on the east coast of U.S.A so a server near there would be good, but I have good internet. I don't want a friendly, "Ooo look a survivor lets give him guns and ammo", but a more aggressive group.

    Anyways thanks for reading this, sorry if I wasted your time.



  4. hello, i just got this game today and i was looking for someone to play with.

    i have a couple of aspects i wish this person would have...

    please have a mic, im not the oldest, so i wont sound full grown, but not i can assure you i wont sound 9

    speak English

    also live on the east coast of the united states would be nice

    i dont mind the voice chat program we use, skype and raidcall are the only 2 i know how to use. if interested add me on steam, skype, or on this forum (dadgoat, is my username for all of them)

    thanks for taking your time to read this. good hunting!
