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About GeneralMcCain

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    I moved the mouse downward to lower the item "rifle" which sent item "projectile" into the sprite "zombie", abomination that it was. I then logged off and made tea.
  1. GeneralMcCain

    How fun is this game solo?

    I think it depends on how much time you want to sink in..... It's a metagame issue. I have relatively little time IRL to play games, so playing solo can be frustrating as I might spend several hours moving to a new location, only to be sniped at quite often and occasionally killed (1 in 3 blind shootouts), and you need hours and hours of continuous play to make this game worthwhile. So starting again is frustrating when you only have 40 min to play! 40min is a piece of shit in this game. You need to allocate entire dayz to playing it. It depends on your own personality as well. I am not so much a socialite with complete strangers, but I think the game gets more interesting when you play without caring too much about survival. So literally running into Chernogorsk and watching the carnival. The videos by Snorkle are all the more fun because he doesn't take it too seriously (at all). On other hand, to see how to really play solo and survive, look at FrankieonPCin1080p on youtube,
  2. GeneralMcCain

    Behold The Day Z Party Bus!

    Gaming culture is truly coming of age.
  3. GeneralMcCain

    [3:45 Video] Why I never go to big cities

    "his name was Karma Police, which is ironic" brilliant random stuff, which is basically this game
  4. AKM: check Knife, Matches, Hatchet: check Pistol: check Full water bottle: check Step 2: Get out of town and into the deep woods (NW on GB01 server). Step 3: Hunt and set up tent. Step 4: Light Fire and Cook Meat. Step 5: Get blood back up. Step 6: Look at map to start trekking north to finally start exploring and .... chk tsk chk You Are Dead! My butt hurts. It hurts so bad. Step 0.1: Spawn in Cherno and start a zombie killing rampage.... etc
  5. GeneralMcCain

    100 hour review of DayZ

    Good review. Vehicles actually available to non-groupies (people in teams have lots of time on their hands) could shake things up a bit. I enjoy lone wolf playing at the moment, but am really only where you were around hour 17-20, gathering some more equipment and then exploring north and avoiding the airfield. I have yet to experience lots more interaction, using vehicles, and conducting raids. But after that, it runs out of steam. I guess those are the limits. Look at Minecraft. I played it heavily during early pre-beta, but the endgame aspect was not interesting to me. I just liked exploring and building and defending. When I tired of that, I stopped playing it. I couldn't care less about netherworld, dragons, or whatever. Skyrim is for that.. Not sure how this game could be made more imaginative without resorting to fantasy elements. But why do that to DayZ, when you could just play another game? Other people need to start building similar mods independently, such as one where you are exploring an Arctic world without any monsters/zombies/boogiemen, just simulated ecosystems and player interaction (with few weapons). That is what I would like to do, if I had the time!!!
  6. It keeps going because we love these threads if only for the comments. Most of the whining is tl;dr. I didn't read it either. And anyway, they all come back in the end.
  7. GeneralMcCain

    The Music of Day-Z

  8. GeneralMcCain

    The Music of Day-Z

    You want atmosphere, not beats; intrigue, not melodies. Industrial and dark ambient are what you want. Try a radio station to help guide your way. You want brutality, but it should be subtle. It should threaten but not stampede. http://youtu.be/_fN4ZulgpP4
  9. GeneralMcCain

    Arma 2 AO Down?

    Works fine if you have a server in your favourites or recent list in DayZ Commander. Just reconnect to an old one. If you don't, you're out of luck but could look up connecting manually.
  10. GeneralMcCain

    I got killed by a server hopper. I quit.

    I'd just like to add some general nonsense to the thread to keep it alive and as off-topic as possible. 1. If we could have servers that ban American ips (by which I mean the US, of course) perhaps there would be none of this "Dude, got some sweet weapons from that pussy in NW Barracks", and "Sweet, dude. Dude gonna get shit-faced on lead, dude. Dude". Then there would just be civilised Europeans talking about Beethoven and Sartre while communally sharing out the beans in the shop. 2. Set up an IQ-based access policy where players have to show a certain level of intelligence, education, and maturity to participate both in-game on the forum. This could be merged with 1 but I know at least five Americans who could pass the test, so there. As long as there are over 50k unique players, there will always be lots of hating. The "community" is just too big. It'll pass over in a few months (or will it?), Dude.
  11. Would be good if Rocket increased the time for which the player remains on server after the disconnect action, with no option to reconnect instantly, so that PKers etc. can devour their cowardly remains for around two minutes following disconnect. Alt+F4 ruins immersion, breaking the spell of brutality, for actions like that should have consequences!!
  12. GeneralMcCain

    Is there any way to play this game on high without lagging?

    Impressive tweaking if so, and that is a well-clocked dual core. I have an old e8400, but I run it at base stock 3.0 ghz plus a little bit with asus 6-engine. I haven't bothered going to the bother of clocking it properly as I like it to scale down when using it for TV or email or work.
  13. GeneralMcCain

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    Just ran into a frenchman and after a few friendly words via VOIP I went off, but saw him again running with a trail. Ran over to help but as I entered the filling station, he exited for some reason and was eaten. I shot what I could before falling unconscious but I still live and now have a knife, so if I can make it to the woods I'll have me a roast pig (thanks for the knife!).
  14. GeneralMcCain

    I'm Now a Deathmatch Player

    This is why I have said elsewhere that there should be a wait period of around two hours before respawn. Who cares if it pisses people off? That is the joy of this mod, so if it Rocket did that, everyone would have to accept it as it is not like they are customers in the first place (although we have credited BI with a nice sum). I still go for the lone wolf style direct to villages, but of course, hours in I have only the basics and no military grade weapons.
  15. GeneralMcCain

    Shoot on Sight

    There is general trend I infer from posts that veterans tend to move towards shoot to kill after an initial experimental stage of engaging with other players. I suspect that half the time this is because they have tired of the main game mechanic and wish to shoot people in the face for entertainment, regardless of their "it's dangerous world and I don't take chances" faux-Clint Eastword pastiche. In other cases, it is because semi immortal players respawn in the first place, they move towards this as a longevity technique. Unlike IRL, the process of natural selection does not apply because anti-social, masochistic, and social alike are respawned endlessly. Anti-social players probably stay around longer because they enjoy the Chernarus pickings of running around in a "crew" and ticking off new survivors. Would love to see real stats on this. An experimental means of correcting this might be to delay respawn by 8hrs, thus making players less semi-immortal, or further incentivise collaboration against enemies and to complete simple tasks. Still, I do like the brutality of it all...