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About MasterMace

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  1. MasterMace

    Character Recovery

    Many thanks for the replies. I shall recreate the profile and check if my character is missing. I thank you guys for fully reading my post and realizing I never stated I logged into the character, so as to be safe in the event that it was reversible. I should have made that distinction.
  2. MasterMace

    Character Recovery

    The player profile list when you back out to the game menu lists out your "characters". The first is naturally the default, I had created a 2nd profile to make a different name than the default. This profile is not there. MIA = Missing in action. I'll take your suggestion into consideration ponc, but I'm going to need quite a few more people to tell me that before I delete such vital files.
  3. MasterMace

    Character Recovery

    Does anybody know how to recover a character/player profile like this?
  4. MasterMace

    Character Recovery

    Anybody know how to fix this?
  5. MasterMace

    Spawned in Wilderness?

    you are in debug island. Check the thread.
  6. MasterMace

    Will my computer be able to handle DayZ?

    The computer is a "workstation", basically like a server. The graphics card in it is bad. They say it's a "gaming graphics card", but it's junk.
  7. MasterMace

    LAN compatable?

    I have not checked myself. There is a lan option in the bottom left of the game. I suppose it's more of an issue with each server rather than the game itself.
  8. MasterMace

    How to use the Compass

    You can view the game controls in game.
  9. MasterMace

    Give 3DP Off a Try

    Turn the headbob down to 1 above 0. I play 3rd person because I want to. If a server turns it off, it removes my choice. I don't play where I don't have a choice.
  10. MasterMace

    How to use the Compass

    The letter K while you are in person mode Also, you can view your controls in game
  11. you want combined operations, no you don't need steam, there is really no benefit.
  12. MasterMace

    Can't look up

    Mouse, keyboard, gamepad, joystick, etc.
  13. MasterMace

    Character Recovery

    Posted this before in the New player discussion, figured this would be more appropriate. I'll leave them both up for now. Is there any way to recover my character? I have 2 drives, a SSD with my OS, and a HDD with my Steam folder and arma 2/dayz folders. After reinstalling windows and logging back in, my character is MIA. I tried verifying my ARMA 2 file in steam and it does nothing. I'm told that the characters are bound to your key. Why is it then that I don't have my character? How do I get it back?
  14. MasterMace

    Character Recovery

    Is there any way to recover my character? I have 2 drives, a SSD with my OS, and a HDD with my Steam folder and arma 2/dayz folders. After reinstalling windows and logging back in, my character is MIA. I tried verifying my ARMA 2 file in steam and it does nothing. I'm told that the characters are bound to your key. Why is it then that I don't have my character? How do I get it back?