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Everything posted by Michaelvoodoo25

  1. Michaelvoodoo25

    Drop and RUN

    I'm sure I read of a weight system in the S.A. This would introduce intelligent inventory control systems, where the player would have to balance and offset what they carry in order to ensure maximized game play. Can't help but think, Stamina is a War Z game play idea, but then again, the more you do something the more you get better at it, so perhaps starting out with a short jog / run would eventually mean getting better / fitter allowing you to go longer and further? That way you loose more than just loot, but developed abilities also.
  2. Michaelvoodoo25

    Certification System

    No class system please, It's bad enough every player in the DayZ world can fly choppers and skin animals. The more your players does something the better and faster he should be at it, no need for a certification system. They used books and such in Fallout 3, there is nothing like experience gained by using items. Not all items should be unbanned / available in game and more items would make the playing field unbalanced, you have a bicycle and I have a tank, You wanna play chicken with me? By the time you have found the manual for a missile launcher i would have already have cordoned off the military base(where the missile launcher spawns)
  3. Michaelvoodoo25

    Poison Darts

    It's the whole stun gun idea again, I would love to see something like this in game, the fun you could have knocking out players and such then dragging their bodies around would be hilarious. Imagine being dumped in the middle of the NWAF at peak sniper time? or driven around and just dumped by the road side in the middle of nowhere without a map!!! Nice idea!! I would like the idea of being able to rob players by knocking out players without the hassle of a firefight and advertising the fact to all around me!
  4. Michaelvoodoo25

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    Bully? I am sorry you think of me as a bully!! I do recall reading your immediate second post, obviously you didn't mean that. I'm a NICE person, but I don't need other peoples support for a forum suggestion, which IMO is a pointless idea based on introducing a pointless item into game because underneath it all players would have other not so pointless pressing matters to deal with. You will be better off asking for water purifiers. or perhaps a playboy magazine? If you want a bit more content then just think about diary's! that would offer you more than a wallet. I also believe all suggestions are good suggestions I am not knocking your idea i just don't see the point!!
  5. Michaelvoodoo25

    Zombies aggro each other

    If this get's implemented then i will not be responsible for my stern words directed at players when they moan. "i was a mile away and a zed aggroed, I started to run up a hill and the zombies in every town were chasing me, Not even fluffy the dog got away" and "Please rocket it's too hard" Turdy Bollocks
  6. Michaelvoodoo25


    so why not just play Arma2 ? it has all the stuff in? why bring into a mod more items that will OP Everything and everyone?
  7. Michaelvoodoo25

    Anthropology Study

    I am speechless.
  8. Michaelvoodoo25


    I have tins of Heinz Beans for sale if anyone is interested, Got some Muffins too!
  9. Michaelvoodoo25

    Death Of DayZ

    I would like to hear your review of DayZ when SA comes out, I'll wager your still playing the game and some of your above points will be moot.
  10. Michaelvoodoo25

    hey rocket look at this mod to DayZ

    Or a St Barnard with a booze barrel. Nice to see the weapon changes, though not sure about the Makarov Silenced???
  11. Its post like this why we need a shout box!! Hint Hint!
  12. Michaelvoodoo25

    I only shot him 8 times

    The role playing you and Steak get up to!!! I don't know!!
  13. Michaelvoodoo25

    Night and Day, universal time

    I see where your coming from and would agree to a certain extent but choice is a good thing for the players. I sometimes like a good night game but part of the beauty of DayZ is the setting, Chernarus is a gorgeous place and worth seeing in the day, if you had same time on all servers those who work will get the same experience due to available times to play. Having servers change their time to suit caters for their local players. Speeding up the time is not (IMO) part of the realism. Changing setting allowances is a disaster as some players will need a certain setting to play (Think partially blind etc) Different maps will need different times as weather and time could not possibly be the same.
  14. I would like spawn points to spawn items once, after that you will have to cross that moral line in order to survive to any great extent! Your camps would be robbed, players murdered for their Loot. I would be opposed to less animals as a food source as this highlights the survival aspect after 5 years of infection there would be more animals than Survivors!
  15. Like being delirious when ill? contracting a disease and having hallucinations of Zombies standing over you or hearing snapping branches? Mirages in the desert when thirsty? Green Mountain actually having a unseen threat? No sounds bar wind in the trees at certain locations? weapons jamming while in contact? hanging tin cans up in trees? lights suddenly coming on while in a room or stood under a street light? owls in woods at night? squeeling foxes in heat? Plastic bags being blown about the map? Fear needs to be brought to DayZ like it was before you became De-sensatized to it after playing a long time.
  16. Michaelvoodoo25

    What do you do in DayZ?

    don't forget fish!!
  17. Michaelvoodoo25

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    no........jk If you want to get more attached to stuff in DayZ, good luck. I am waiting for players dogs to get killed let alone a wallet being taken from them, most can't handle their kit being looted. I'm sure you'll read their post's. I think if there is any player story element to the game, then a diary of sorts would better suit the SA. Leaving notes also would add to your character and your journey, a wallet? nah there's not enough of a story for Pictures of a wife and personal effects. I like to look at suggestions as "what would it add to the game?" Players lives are too short for the most part so adding small things would waste the reason it was added!
  18. Michaelvoodoo25

    Zombie Running speed

    You know that scene where Robert Carlyle is running from the infected towards the boat? That's how fast I want DayZ infected to run, I want to be scared if I ever get into that situation, my heart beating and real fear from shaking badly. Zombies like warz ones don't offer a challenge so slow would be a bit dull. I do like the infected gradually becoming slower unless they feed though, but I'm sure that's lots of extra code?
  19. Michaelvoodoo25

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    NASA computers can't run WarZ! You need a 486 for top game running!
  20. Michaelvoodoo25

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    It don't like it, it's a small and meaningless addition that serves no purpose. Don't get me wrong, notes as a separate idea is good, money in an apocalypse? But character information is not something I personally play for, I come across your body and I'll bury you, wallet wasted! I don't see th point of Death tallies in a game where your aim is to survive. I'm running from an infected zed and I have nothing to defend myself I could throw my wallet as a distraction like a flare. That's as much use it would be, information without a story driven background would be a bit pointless. Not tryin to be negative or piss on your idea.
  21. Michaelvoodoo25


    All these changes of clothes should be robbable, the number of times I've come across a suited dude and can't take his clothes is beyond a joke! I mean that in a normal heterosexual manner, and in game!
  22. Michaelvoodoo25

    Get a better forum provider

    Sergy runs servers, why don't we ask him?
  23. Michaelvoodoo25

    So Lonely

    Bricks Are Heavy, top album, though I do love Wargasm!
  24. Michaelvoodoo25

    So Lonely

    So is your name anyway related to L7?
  25. Michaelvoodoo25

    So Lonely

    Have a look in the places i name above and ther private server thread, I'm sure you'll find somewhere suitable or even better!