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Everything posted by Michaelvoodoo25

  1. Michaelvoodoo25

    Death and Reincarnation

    Ok how about wild animals gorge themselves on the remains? Player comes back and half a body remains with stuff damaged and scattered around, On leg here (pockets of stuff etc) torso over there (Munched on destroying all that was carried etc) In nature animals smell out the corpses and devour the lovely flesh? Zeds could damage stuff also. All making it impossible to retrieve anything. Would stop supernatural events!
  2. Michaelvoodoo25

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Could you imagine what would happen if we paid for a game and it had the old barbwire gltch in? The world would end. Take all the time in the world.
  3. Michaelvoodoo25

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Cheers rocket for updating us in person. Hows the Lambo?
  4. Michaelvoodoo25

    Death and Reincarnation

    I love how one Idea, is broken to bits and redesigned from the ground up! Instead of whiny arsed players we should be in the suggestions thread giving rocket some food for thought! Keep it up
  5. Michaelvoodoo25

    Death and Reincarnation

    Infected bullets will be my weapon of choice. Poo on arrows, try stealing their stuff with a turd sticking out the back of their head.
  6. Michaelvoodoo25

    Being Sexually Violated in DayZRP

    My age is showing when watching this, I recoil and for some strange reason thought I heard Matt in there!
  7. Michaelvoodoo25

    Death and Reincarnation

    Allow a timer of X mins for players to loot. timed out players corpse is moved elsewhere, giving dead guy no chance of gettng there and corspe finding player time to locate and loot
  8. Michaelvoodoo25

    Death and Reincarnation

    Any camping players whould be chased away by Pennywise the clown with a hatchet playing Britney Spears' Hit me baby one more time song (They won't ever do it again) Perhaps this is a little too far fetched? It could be a Bieber song.
  9. Michaelvoodoo25

    Forum fame

    I once met Derpy Hooves in game once, I was playing taxi driver and was on my way to him and crashed! I did not believe it was him till he pm'd me here!
  10. Do unto others....... I can see this taking off
  11. I was dissapointed with that issue, all reddit players should have been made to dress as Frogs, for easy killing! In game of course
  12. I think bandits should be dressed as pink fairies. On a serious note OP, you're right, but as mentioned when the bandit skin was removed the "shit my pants" meter went up drastically! I personally like the SA system, wear what you want, buy we all know bandits will want to dress up as sneaky as possible.
  13. Michaelvoodoo25

    Your bad DayZ habits

    Irl meeting chicks and asking "friendly?"
  14. Michaelvoodoo25

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    When its ready, our leader rocket will deliver, the new enterable buildings will change so much of the gameplay! I can wait! Steam just had a sale!
  15. rocket said this, rocket said that, whaa whaa whaa, who gives a crap what he said. I a fan, will relish the SA when it comes out and chuckle at peoples whiney comments before, during and after. MAN UP!
  16. Simple fact is we are going to have to wait. I can understand why rocket got pissed with the game community!
  17. Rocket needs to stick to his (2) guns, tell people what he wants them to hear, Let them worry about twisted words and other crud. Anyone who can't understand the delay is a bandwagon jumper or just impatient, games take time and a hell of a lot of resources which most of us could not muster even if we were Millionaires. Reddit is a cesspit of Morons (99% from what i have read), why rocket uses it is beyond me when he has a dedicated Forum on His bloody game. If from what rocket describes goes to plan, not only will DayZ be a great game but I think it will revolutionise the way games are accessed and run online, and for that I tip my hat Sir.
  18. Michaelvoodoo25

    The Darkness

    Get your hands offa ma woman mother loverererers. Yaw
  19. Michaelvoodoo25

    Rocket said..

    Give it a rest reddit, how people can hang out there is beyond me. Respect to rocket for holding his own, rocket takes over from Chuck Norris!
  20. Michaelvoodoo25

    Oculus Rift + Omni + Dayz

    My screen started crying and ran away.
  21. Michaelvoodoo25

    Add Games for Windows LIVE to DayZ SA

    You're mad you!
  22. Michaelvoodoo25

    Am I doing something wrong?

    Op needs to pay more attention to games before buying to get the facts right. You spent $40 on a good product but you also purchased a side order of let down. Just to be clear, are you sure you bought DayZ and NOT Warzzzzzzz?
  23. Michaelvoodoo25

    No Hackers anymore ?

    The community pulled together and then some retards released warzzzz, now called infestation blah blah, the hackers up and left! Good riddance!
  24. Michaelvoodoo25

    PMC and BAF!

    Have to agree and the other features for Arma 2 are great too
  25. Michaelvoodoo25

    Bored In DayZ!

    I went through the same crap, thought I was gonna walk away forever. Then I discovered the fun you can have as part of a team. This is what you are missing!