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Everything posted by Michaelvoodoo25

  1. Michaelvoodoo25

    Dead Villages?

    Go further inland, some of the coastal villages don't spawn much and there's about 2 enterable buildings in most. Get familiar with the building types and you'll be collecting stuff pretty quickly.
  2. Michaelvoodoo25

    How to best destroy an enemy camp

    It's a bit hit and miss, some servers respawn them each time and some don't, I drove over some like you and they never came back (I played said server each day, they must have moved tents?!) Grenades have helped me wipe a few out at once, and I've seen other videos shooting them. As I don't use tents I cannot give you an answer to restarting.
  3. You sure it wasn't a hacker with his posse of Bots?
  4. I've only seen Santa tower, what more is there?
  5. I find post's like this offensive to my intelligence, Games are only as dull as the players imagination. Point 1. There are a load of playing styles, it isn't about collecting stuff, snipers, bandits, camp destroyers,hatchet killers. medics, pains in the arses. murderers. logistics, traders. Co-operation is down to the players not Rocket. Point 2. This is about losing kit again. Anything with the popularity of DayZ will attract the hackers, You remember it's alpha, this can be exploited and abused. I have never found a hacker in game (perhaps it is due to low player servers i am on?) I go around looting and depleting other players camps, I am no hacker. If you leave your camps and vehicles in out of place areas, I will look for it every time i play, the only way I wont loot it is if You guard it all around the clock. I do like the sound of private servers where me and my friends can play in a secure place free from Hackers, it is the apocalypse I'm here to play not I've got more than you. Point 3. I do believe admin need more control over servers, but being an admin is also being abused by some. I have been kicked because I stole a vehicle of an admin member. That's not the reason for being an admin is it? Yes mistakes happen because info is hard to prove. I do not know much about hosting servers but come on this is Alpha these things happen, I believe its down to the community to do something about it and raising it is the first hurdle. Point 4. I play solo, if i consider a situation as a threat I get out of there, if the players tell me they are friendly I watch them closely and play along with them, you can tell a sincere player after 10 mins. I'm a part time medic and judge players on my encounters with them. After patching up a player I have never been shot at by them or felt threatened by them. I have been shot by snipers and that is fine, it's their playing preference. I can stand over a town and offer support via sniping to new players with no kit. each to his own. There are clans out there they recruit all the time there is plenty of co-op going on, some players don't want to play that way. Point 5. This is about kit again, I never owned a tent, but I have destroyed many even if I know it may or may not re-spawn later. Every player starts off with a few items and then they take it about themselves to find all the goodies they want. If you didn't build camp sites then you wouldn't be able to duplicate stuff on a faster scale. I have all my kit from you campers, cheers you made it possible. I believe Rocket and Co are working on this issue, so patience is a must. I have never owned N.V.G, rangefinder, as50, any S.D weapon, Mountain Dew, big Coyote backpack or satchel explosives But I search every tent I come across because it's easier than finding them the good old fasioned way. It all boils down to how you play the Mod and I believe you understand it is in Alpha and this is where many players forget it isn't a finished product, there will be issues after each update until it is finally sorted. Just grin and bare it, you make the game what it is. All those who are taking a break, come back and play the game you love, because you will miss it and if you don't, fine it is not for you, but the community is moving ahead Look at Lingor, more to play and explore. (Whether Rocket allows this or not it is making His baby more fun and enjoyable) My 2p
  6. Michaelvoodoo25

    5 loaded tent locations

    Hoarding players, You build your stock pile, you should be prepared to lose your stuff. 1st rule of DayZ club, never get attached to your kit. 2nd rule of DayZ club, Bring plenty of popcorn.
  7. Michaelvoodoo25

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

    Aw this thread! I wondered what happened. Green mountain stories.
  8. Michaelvoodoo25

    Some $@^$*!! has been in me tent!

    I usually take all the stuff and drop it under trees, then flatten the tents and walk away with a new kit set up each time. Serves the camping hoarders right.
  9. Michaelvoodoo25

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I want to play this so bad, but until they fix the core game, I don't want more grief from playing DayZ. A game so good, I can't play it properly.
  10. Michaelvoodoo25

    Dear Jon

    OP has balls to say sorry.
  11. Michaelvoodoo25

    The myth ''It's only a video game''

    I believe you can tell what side of the divide your on when you kill someone for the first time in this Mod. However I do think maturity (Not Age) plays a higher part That feeling, though it does not compare with real life it certainly has correlations. Gaming styles are an extension of your lives. Go watch a video on any game with commentary, you can figure out the player pretty well. I for one believe Karma Is a fact, or let me put it bluntly "what you give, you get back" But remember belief is personal to each, and I don't want to ram it down anyone's throat. Anyone who KOS's does so because they believe it is a normal part of the game (Which it is, or the bandits / Zombies would be moot) This I think comes from other games where they are expected to play this way "It's just a game" is where this comes from. This game is fiction, It creates player styles, and there are rewards in all types of game play based on the player who is experiencing it.
  12. There are people on YouTube advertising, why don't the dev team open a forum room and we can search and post the details of sites n posters, where then they can be griefed themselves via the law and us? Either that or better protection? Can't code be added to the DayZ mod to detect unnatural scripts and kick? I don't claim to know how to do it, but there must be ways to do it, I was serious when I said private run servers, you can control players and offer secure playing!
  13. I'm not into the hacking thing, but I wonder, was ARMA 2 the same with hacking? I understand the attention on dayz and all it attracts. And isn't there a legal point to selling hacking scripts? I am fortunate to not have witnessed any hacking in game, so I can't offer any advice, however due to the high amounts of hackers or scriptids as I like to call them I would like to host this game privately. This would allow me to play the game without having to worry about it. And yes allow me and my friends to play a zombie apocalypse ( point of the MOD) I am perplexed at the mentality of negative hacking, spoiling other people's fun? Did your parents drop you that hard? Did you get so useless to society by being rejected?, I wonder what you could do to benefit the mod if you were a little bit more mature, I believe you could contribute greatly, but then again you can't play the mod properly anyway! I'm waiting for the next best thing so they move on, I am reluctant to play nowadays on high player servers, because that's we're they seem to strike! You are attention seeking whores and karma is a bitch, when u get caught, buy another licence, then question why you're doing it. It's because the mod and game are just too damned good! Grow up and contribute, make this mod a great place to play, and dont waste your parents money on binary cheating! Well I feel better!
  14. Michaelvoodoo25

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    Picture an outbreak like the one in chernaurus. If something like this happens the army (U.N even) will be there, this for me justifies the weapons and location variations. The variety is good, but ammo would be more scarce the longer you used it. Respawning more ammo is a big no no. That's unrealistic, it wouldn't happen. Unless the map was bigger and allowed more places for military gear. Most people in this part of the world will have a plentiful supply of eastern block weapons, others like American would be rare after intervention, I think the mod relays this well. I do think there would be more vehicles available, however fuel would run out pretty quickly and we're missing some millitary vehicles. Then I wake up and realise its a game.
  15. Spawn on the coast? run like the clappers in all directions, piss off the would be snipers. One great lesson I learned was the mechanics of the game, this comes with practice, once you have this under your belt you will survive longer. Low pop servers are great for this, you learn so much more without the greater threat of KOS. With DayZ Commander you can find servers with the filter inc, nametags, You will find they are more friendly but you do get Stupid players in every server. I agree with previous poster also, those who cannot show their true colours in RL use games to compensate, that and the fact they are young or hormonal. If I see you and you need help I will render it, try and kill me I will defend myself. Peace and good luck.
  16. Michaelvoodoo25

    Currently on 2900 blood hiding with a SVD Camo.

    You do indeed, There are roaming doctors in most servers, look on the forums and ask someone to come to your aid. Do it with only proven medics, some people will lull you into a trap for your stuff.
  17. Michaelvoodoo25

    "Woof woof I am a dog" - Hacker

    I would have laughed my arse off.
  18. Michaelvoodoo25

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Can I suggest you re post the pictures of the t shirts?
  19. Michaelvoodoo25

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

    I am speechless, My mind was just invaded by stupidity. I'm suing.
  20. Michaelvoodoo25

    Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

    Slightly of subject, Your trip to Stary Sobor was hilarious! I've done that myself. I have never found a Mountain Dew.
  21. Michaelvoodoo25

    DayZ care package???

    Unless it's a banned weapon!
  22. Michaelvoodoo25

    Hackers spawning bot "survivors"

    Good god man get married! you'll see it everyday. >:(
  23. Michaelvoodoo25

    A one in a million encounter...

    It's abuse, you should know better. Killing people, weapons you would not have found otherwise. Playing alongside the scourge of DayZ? But It is nice to read an honest new "hacking" post.
  24. Michaelvoodoo25

    Your ideas for the future of this game?

    Oh I have, Its what I would like to see in the DayZ of the future.
  25. Michaelvoodoo25

    Your ideas for the future of this game?

    I can see it standalone. With DLC titles regular away. I can see more maps to play on. (The world of DayZ) I can see it as being an advertisers dream (imagine some of the costs being payed, because players are purchasing your brands) Large factions and battles therein. More Zombie characters. With better pathing. The ability to transfer the Infection. Much more choice of weapons, (could be regional on different maps) More clothing, Skins etc Base building, above and below ground. In game communication system which incorporates other systems offering players complete communication in game. Map Editor (A real big like to see from me) Imagine custom maps re DayZ None tent storage, I'd like to save my kit per character in a locked and safe location. character dies and the kit becomes available for first finder. No dogs, what next ravens? Sleep periods as a requirement to benefit health and illness. Running bar which slowly regenerates when stopped. Lighter nights (Coz you ain't seeing anything) Ability to generate electricity for towns / villages. Better fencing system, Tools required to remove for access etc. In game login screen with admin ability to remove players running scripts.