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About RuneNL

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RuneNL

    Changes to female characters

    *facepalm* @ topic If this nonsence would go through, / give women models infinite lives because they can give birth /sarcasm
  2. Let me put this as simple as i can: OFFICIAL SERVERS: Full experience and connected to hive. Character saves and useable on all official servers. UN-Official servers: Rules by server owner, character only useable on this server alone. NO HIVE CONNECTION.
  3. 2 reasons for private seperate servers (not connected to the hive) - give new players a chance to learn the game mechanics and get familliar with the unforgiving engine of Arma II and the DayZ masterpiece. This way people need a less strong will to actually learn the game without being noob camped. Ive heard people quit because they didnt get a chance to learn the game because of PVP. - Play in "peace" with trusted individuals without the server being harrased by script kiddies and hackers. I love the way the game is being made and it should be kept that way, but there should be a non hive place.