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Everything posted by Killer21334

  1. Killer21334

    Requesting Armed solider

    I can help out, even for free its good to have a vehicle. how can I contact you? also what servers are you playing on(I may have trouble if its a server that outside Europe) It doesn't if your hatchet is out of "ammo" put it back into your toolbelt, then take it out again, it should have a "clip" of 99999 hatchet ammo
  2. I don't speak german but I play on the german servers(lowest ping for me) my mic is brooken so for the momment I can't use it.
  3. Killer21334

    Bizon SD or AKM?

    I found a Bizon SD at a helicopter crash site, plenty of ammo and everything, the problem with it is that the dammage is CRAP, then I looted the millitairy tents at stary sobor and found an AKM with even more ammo I quickly tried out the AKM on some of the zombie soldiers walking arround the camp and found that it was very effective, the problem was that now I had attracted a horde to myself, I quickly got my Bizon SD and started making my way to the airfield(which was my destination where I had later died of high concentration of bullets in my head). That whole story aside, which one would you pick the Bizon SD or the AKM? Edit: in my situation I could not take both, my backpack was filled with medical supplies and so was my inventory(just looted a medical supply crate from a crashed chopper)
  4. Killer21334

    Have you Tips for me?

    Stay the FUCK away from the international airfield, I went there once with a silenced SMG and pistol, ended up getting (almost) killed by the zombies, only to get sniped at by someone one while I was desperatly trying to get out of there, all thouse millitairy loot spawn points may look really tempting but trust me you will probobly die before you can even reach them unless you bring some friends.
  5. Killer21334

    First two kills...

    Its just a game you're not gonna become a sociopath, in my experience I might have done the same if I saw someone pointing their gun at me, so far every survivor I encountered has a burning desire to kill me for some reason. it would help if you were less jumpy though, killing everyone is bound to have someone wanting to get revenge on you, the woman probobly thought you were a bandit(she may have seen you kill the guy) and decided to kill you before you do the same to her.
  6. Ive recently found a crossbow, and it was fucking useless, I managed to kill a grand total of 2 zombies with it and I wasted all my bolts! it keeps missing shots that were sure hits(almost point blank shots WITH looking down the sights). Am I doing something wrong here or is the crossbow just useless?
  7. Killer21334

    Can't use crossbow correctly

    Theres an iron sight on the crossbow.
  8. Killer21334

    What do youy do if you see a player

    Duck and cover, so far every person I ever approached just killed me on sight like they had some kind of personal vandeta on me.
  9. I keep hearing how millitairy tents have "great loot" in them, today I stumbled upon a millitairy camp, I searched the entire area repeatadly and haven't found even an empty can. then I found a rack of AKs but they are all props(can't pick them up) Did I just stumble upon some kind of glitch or are the people lying about how tents are supposed to have good gear?
  10. Im new to the forums(and the game) so im sorry if this was suggested/discussed before. So Ive noticed that road flares are extremley common as opposed to matches(according to the wiki and my personal experience) so maybe we could use road flares as an alternative to matches when lighting a fire? while it would make the game easier it would actually be realistic for survivors to make alternatives to resources that are scarce(and the flares can be a realistic substitute for matches).