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Posts posted by fatdaz

  1. fair play to admin, got straight back in no problems really, even still had my truck too!

    For you to sort it that quick when theres so many hackers on this server too, cant fault you. shame theres so many hackers, i was swimming around balota air strip just, several times!

  2. I was just driving an army truck on the above server, approx 19:28 gmt 15/9/12 all of a sudden it teleported me somewhere else in the woods, figured hackers so just kept driving so didnt get shot at! and it kicked me out the game saying admin ban : spawning vehicles???? i was driving one not spawning them! now it wont let me back on that server?!?!

    I DONT HACK!!!


  3. no links for dayz forums r working? iv searched and cant find the answer, we are trying to use 2 computers on 1 router (both seperate keys) and it doesnt work, says ping is ridiculousley high and beleive this is down to the ports. we use six launcher, what do i have to find and modify to allow it to work? we dont use steam

    pls help


  4. Right after coming across DAYZ just to today on youtube i n eed to try it!

    Just wondering if im ok buying this version of arma2 co (its only £14.99)


    Just unsure of which is the best to buy as a lot of people say they use steam but thats £10 more!

    Any benefits of using steam? do i need to run steam to play dayz? is it best?

    oh and can 3 or 4 us run the game online together at the same address (ip issues?) obviousley we will each buy the game seperate.


