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RexX (DayZ)

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Everything posted by RexX (DayZ)

  1. RexX (DayZ)

    Need UK DayZ Partner

    Must have knowledge of DayZ. Must be 16+ Must be decent. Skype - originalrexx
  2. RexX (DayZ)

    Need UK DayZ Partner

  3. Name:Jack Age: 17 TeamSpeak Name:Ghost Mic?:yup Why do you want to join?Need some experienced players too play with. Experience in game 1-10(Don't lie because we will find out) 7.5 Timezone:GMT 1 Bio:Serious Student, Nerd, FPS Freek, Love playing games seriously In game Name:Ghost How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma? For about a year now How often do you play a week? I play around 12 hours a day, so yeah. Most days, everyday except college days. Any questions about the clan? No. What can you bring to the clan? Anything you need me too bring ;) Skype name(We may use this to contact you about joining)originalrexx What other games are you currently playing?BF3 Favorite flavor milkshake?Banana Are you willling to play new games with us?Yeah
  4. Title says it all. Must be at least 16+ and mature with some gun skill and experience giving callouts. You also must be active. HMU on Skype if you would like to play with me. Skype = originalrexx
  5. Ok. I got my new PC yesterday, had some problems with it connecting to the internet. Now today I'm having problems installing the drivers for the video card. The video card is a HD Radeon 7870 and it's not being recognized in device manager or anywhere. The amd drivers are the latest ones but they keep giving me an error saying "Installation complete. There was errors during installation." I honestly don't have a clue what the f***k to do. I'm not even good with PC's I just bought one so I could play DayZ and stuff. This is turning out to be one big stress test. I really can't be dealing with the stress atm. If anyone could help me out I will be more than grateful! Thanks.
  6. RexX (DayZ)

    This is driving me crazy! :(

    update* Card is on and fan is spinning? Dont know what is wrong
  7. RexX (DayZ)

    This is driving me crazy! :(

    internet is working now, its justt the wireless adapters what was faults
  8. RexX (DayZ)

    This is driving me crazy! :(

    I've just done a bitch move and disabled the internal graphics chip in BIOS, so now I have removed the cmos battery... Btw guys I have an i5 3570k, 750w psu , gigabyte z77-d3h mobo
  9. RexX (DayZ)

    This is driving me crazy! :(

    i need help :( ive looked on google and everything
  10. So I built a PC on this website. I really like the build and looks good for the money. Thing is I don't know much about computers so I would like to ask a few questions. Specs - Case - http://www.freshtechsolutions.co.uk/components/cases/cit-reaper-black-interior-mesh-tower-pc-case-500w-12cm-black-psu.html (EXCLUDING THE PSU) CPU - i5 3570k RAM - 8gb Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600mhz MOBO - Gigabyte GA-H61MA-D3V Socket 1155 H61 USB 3.0 Onboard Graphics PSU - Tesla 750W PSU 12cm Red Fan Dual PFC Power Supply GPU - ASUS Radeon HD 7870 DirectCU II 2gb GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 HDD - Western Digital 1tb Caviar Green 3.5" Sata Hard Drive 64mb Cache SSD - Samsung 120gb Serial 2.5" Sata III Solid State Drive Optical Drive - Samsung 24x DVD Writer Dual Layer Black 1. Is everything compatible with the Motherboard (RAM,GPU,etc) 2. Will everything fit inside the case? 3. Do you think this is a good build for £600 and will it run modern games like DayZ and BF3 on high settings. Thanks in advance.
  11. Ma buying them today, shall I buy a diff mobo? Also shall I use the default stock cooler???
  12. Bump buying everything tmorw! Quick few questions I need answering quickly... 1. Shall I cut back on the psu and get a lower watt, if so what wattage? 2. Will it run dayz?
  13. cheers. Also do you think I should get a AMD FX CPU instead, they seem cheaper and more worth the £££
  14. RexX (DayZ)

    £600 gaming pc?

    I want to play Arma 2 and Arma 3 and DayZ on high settings. I'm loooking to buy a a gaming pc for about £600. Anyone got nay suggestions? Thanks
  15. RexX (DayZ)

    £600 gaming pc?

    would i be able to buy any for 600? i want to record and livestream
  16. RexX (DayZ)

    [FSA] Fire Squad Alpha is now recruiting!

    Name: IRL Jay / J In Game Name: Mohawk Age/Hours and days you can play DayZ: I'm 17 and mature. I can play everyday and pretty much all day except Mondays and Tuesdays. I spend way too much time playing DayZ, I'm sad like that :) How long have you spent playing DayZ and any other Military Simulators? Been playing DayZ for around 4 months now. Have a ton of experience from other FPS games such as BF3 and COD. Where about in the UK are you located: Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, near Manchester. Skype - originalrexx
  17. Must be 16+ Must have mic Must have skype/ts Must be from the UK Must be good Trying to make a squad a bit like sacriel's (if you have heard of him lol) Anyway, you must be really experienced and have a lot of knowledge about DayZ. Ghost (me) - Sniper/CQC Marksman
  18. Ahh hey bud, Yeah just Chernarus map atm buddy, don't really like the others. I'm only 17 so yeah big age difference, but I don't mind playing with people who are a tad older than me, I mean the more older your are the better too be honest. You have skype or anything??
  19. Title says it all really, pretty bored of getting killed or teleported by hackers...