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Everything posted by Frissy

  1. Frissy

    Do Ghillie Suits Work Now?

    Yeah, there currently working.
  2. IRL Information Name: Sean Age: 15 Location: Brisbane, Australia Timezone: UTC+10:00 Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: I meet all of the requirements. Game Information IGN: Frissy Steam ID (if applicable): Ice_Break1 Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): I can fit any of the roles needed to fit the group. Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I feel the urge to group up with other survivors that want to help out this community. The past groups i've been in are great but I just feel like a third wheel. Not really part of the group I hope I can be a useful asset in this group of survivors, I'm able to play 4-5 times during the week for at least 3 hours. I wish to be in an extremely well organized group, the fact that I missed out on help making the camp disappointing to me so hopefully we can expand further? I wish to be able to communicate and have fun with other survivors, which is why I really hope to be given the opportunity to join this fantastic idea. What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I can offer humor to the group as well as the seriousness needed as well. I can offer precision with my shots as I have been playing the Arma series for a while (a bit over a year) I also know my way around the map. Probably written fairly crappy (pretty tired) :P
  3. Frissy

    Weapons can slow you down...

    I'm not sure that I agree with this... I know the fact you can run several kilometers with all that weight is extremly unrealistic, maybe you would just have to rest for a while? Or have to walk? Not sure. But yeah unrealistic.
  4. I think it would be great. But with the first picture wouldn't all that water on shore make the game lagg?
  5. You can keep it but people will accuse you of hacking if you die with in on you.
  6. Frissy

    Zombies Eating Me

    Don't alt tab in the middle of a field? Problem solved.
  7. Frissy

    Killed by hackers?

    Your first death may of been a legit death. Not sure about the other one unless someone was hunting you. About the explosions, it might of been a Grenade, there are pretty easy to find.
  8. Frissy

    Are helicopters working?

    Choppers will only spawn when another has been destroyed. Not sure if there added to haven't seen one yet.
  9. Frissy

    Random Death after connecting - Hacked ?

    You can be killed as soon as your character has been through "Creating character" You might of been shot loading in.
  10. Frissy

    L86A2 LSW

    Yeah that gun is hacked in. Keep it if you want there's no way they can ban you for using it. Just be sure is this the gun you're talking about? http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/L85A2_AWS If so it's not hacked in :)
  11. Yeah Rocket was working for them before he started on DayZ I think? Not sure on the sales though.
  12. Frissy

    Im done...

    What loading screen error?
  13. DayZ Name: Frissy How long have you been playing: A little over a month Time Zone: UTC+10:00 I'm Australian Will you stay loyal to our group: I will stay loyal to the Chernarus Salvation Army What is your Primary Role requested?: Sniper or possibly Medic. I can be both. Btw, if needed I can supply myself gear. (recently died)
  14. Did you spawn in the de-bug forest? Sorry never happened to me before.
  15. It's an amazing scout gun :) I have one currently in my backpack.
  16. Frissy

    super nice magic TENTS

    That's because when you save the tents, every server restart it will spawn there again. Basically it's duping.
  17. Frissy

    3DP and CH on server names

    3DP means Third Person, pressing num pad Enter will give you an over shoulder perspective. CH is Crosshairs, self explanatory?
  18. Frissy

    How do you protect against...

    There is no protection against ghosting. Sorry man, we can only hope that somehow it will be patched.
  19. Frissy

    DayZ Freezing!

    GameSpy is currently doing maintenance.
  20. How long do you leave it for? Mine tends to take a long time every once and a while. Just let it sit.
  21. GameSpy is doing maintenance for a while.
  22. Frissy

    Golden Revolver

    Nah it's not in DayZ, there are no current rewards for surviving sorry :) That gun was hacked in.
  23. Forever I think? It only disappears when you die, after six days it will disappear. Not 100 percent sure though.
  24. Frissy

    Guillie suits

    They still spawn, I think? But very low chance like 0.28% or something.
  25. Frissy

    Should armed vehicles be added to Dayz?

    Absolutely not. I'm sorry but it just shouldn't be added.