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Everything posted by Frissy

  1. Frissy

    Hero & Bandit Skin Variations

    Great suggestion...
  2. Frissy

    How to start?

    Such is DayZ for new players.
  3. Frissy

    Trouble Downloading DAYZ

    Try DayZ Commander it'll do it for you.
  4. Frissy

    Looking for group/ Clan

    Check my sig for 97ADU recruitment thread post a app there.
  5. Check out my sig man, we have something special planned. Only taking survivors though :)
  6. Frissy

    Can't aim down iron sights?

    Are you able to shoot? If not you'll have to drop the gun and pick it up.
  7. Frissy

    Hacked in weapons

    It's a moral choice, I mean you can't get banned for picking up a hacked in weapon as long as you didn't spawn it. I personally would just hid the body with the AS50 TWS in it.
  8. Frissy

    97ADU is now recruiting

    I'll PM you guys our TS3 server info later on this afternoon. If you're able to were on around the afternoon so jump on then.
  9. Have a look at my sig and check out 97ADU ;)
  10. I might be a bit as you've already got a group set up here but check out my sig.
  11. Frissy

    Need a DayZ Bud

    Hey man what country are you from? Check out my sig for a "clan" of like minded guys and girls.
  12. Frissy

    Preferred Installer

    I prefer DayZ Commander mainly because I can downgrade easily but yeah they are all as good as each other it's just preference.
  13. Frissy

    When does it go to night?

    Find a timezone that is night time atm :)
  14. Frissy

    Found a 636C (Camo)

    Is it really that hard to check the wiki :)
  15. Frissy

    are parachutes bugged\broken

    In that case maybe I don't die because I'm running 1.7.4.
  16. Frissy

    Vehicles Question!

    In 1.7.5 vehicles will respawn at their spawn point every restart so there's no point. Unless of course you're on 1.7.4 :P
  17. Frissy


    Hilarious, love the invasion 1944 mod ;)
  18. Good for you bud ;) Meanwhile i'm still enjoying the game on my clans own server.
  19. Frissy

    are parachutes bugged\broken

    I'm pretty sure it's broken. Have you tried from a hovering position? I've never died from parachuting, maybe it's because my home server is running ?
  20. Frissy

    Setting up your own server

    I've really got no clue as this is not really my area, but I do know your computer does not have to be on for the server to be up.
  21. Frissy

    Can I refuel a ATV without a toolbox?

    Nah, all you need is a full jerrycan.
  22. Frissy

    Edge of the map

    You can do both, save tents and yes animals still spawn out there.
  23. Frissy

    97ADU is now recruiting

    Come on guys, you're missing out!
  24. Frissy

    DayZ Map / Item Locations / ETC

    Been around for ages man :)
  25. Frissy

    Custom faces

    It's not bannable.