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Everything posted by Hakultair

  1. Hakultair

    Hacking or Lag?

    After both me and my target dieing in a firefight several times due to lag I have gotten in the habbit of shooting someone a few times and then hiding. Usually they die after like 5 seconds, the lag is rediculous quite often, especially during desync's...
  2. Hakultair

    Duration of night in game ?

    That's not entirely true as a server admin can change the time of the server to something different then the timezone it's in. I for example know of a few admins that run their server opposite to their timezone cause they like to play during the night mostly.
  3. Hakultair

    Recurring stuck of teammates

    They are desyncs between the server and the HIVE. This is an issue that especially since 1.7.2 has been quite bad. Sometimes I feel like we're desync'd more then not. It's especially apparent when you're in a vehicle with other people. They'll all see your crashing into a wall and driving circles while you, as the driver, are not noticing anything weird. To clarify; the connection between you and the server is fine, that's why you can still shoot z's and stuff. It's an issue with the connection of the server to the main database (The HIVE) where character and vehicle data is saved.
  4. Hakultair

    Night time.

    I prefer night time over day time. Especially since I have gotten my NV goggles. Before that I'd just put my gamma up a lil (around 1.4), with that you can just barely see during the night. I made sure I had flares and gemlight on me to use w/e I needed it. I really liked playing at night time before I got NV goggles, it was scare and challenging.
  5. Hakultair

    AU5: Banned for being in a chopper (unknown if admin or not)

    Try joining a diff server, see if you can, that should tell you what kinda ban it was. :P In theory you can't be banned by battleye for flying a chopper, only for spawning it. So chances are its a server ban.
  6. Hakultair

    Duration of night in game ?

    The time cycle ingame is the same as IRL. Server admins can however pick what time it is on server, but the game has a 24h day/night cycle. Lately because of desync's with the hive the time seems to be getting desync'd as well though, making time pass at only about half the speed. In short, keep looking, you're just getting unlucky. :P
  7. Hakultair

    new player, stuck on loading

    Do what Tinit said, but also keep in mind that this is a fairly common issue. I personally get stuck on loading like 50% of the time. If I get in a game once it'll work fine until i shut down the game and boot it up again next time, then I often get stuck on it again. I've heard some other people have this issue too. Try to join a server that has like 10 ppl on it, no more. Then let it be stuck on loading for 1 min tops. If it doesn't work, close the game and try again. Give it like 4 or 5 tries just to be sure you're not just getting unlucky on a crashing client. ;x
  8. Hakultair

    Chat problem

    Well, I'm at work right now or I'd hop on a server with you to test it myself cause I seriously feel like it's a weird issue, especially cause you still see the other messages. xP You could try reinstalling the entire thing, it'd be your best bet at fixing this I reckon. Unless it's an issue with either the person you were communicating with or with the server you were on. If you're going to be around when I get home (in like 5 or 6 hours), I'd be willing to give see if we can get it working on my server.
  9. Hakultair

    Bad serial code?

    You've probably got the steam version I'm guessing, boot ARMA 2 OA through steam once and it should be fixed.
  10. Hakultair

    Chat problem

    Are you sure your friend is also using direct chat? Seems odd to me you'd see your own messages as well as messages from the server, but none from players...
  11. This is still an issue on my server to date. Sometimes I feel like we're desynced more then synced, really hope this gets a fix soonish.
  12. Hakultair

    Best way to find Heli Crashes?

    Get a car or bicycle and make a route for yourself using one of the maps, and keep your eyes open. :P I'd also recommend driving around in 3rd person view, u see so much more...
  13. Nope, not gonna happen, unfortunately hackers have the ability to do almost anything in this game, I'm just glad most don't troll too hard and abuse that to grief others... Yesterday I found a chopper with guns mounted on it (obviously hacked) on my server, must say I did have some fun with it before a server restart removed it. xP
  14. Hakultair

    How can you tell if people are cheating?

    Snipers tend to be very loud. I'd be more worries about hackers if you wouldn't hear the shot. Some servers have snipers just laying on the hills around Elektro 24/7. It's not a good idea to linger around there. xP
  15. Hakultair

    Vehicle Fragility Is An Issue

    You can finish a car in 1 hit with the right weapon. You just gotta be careful and know where to go and especially where not to. :P I have several vehicles in different camps, only once have I ever been in danger of getting blown up. Also, a lot of players try to kill you rather then destroy the car as they want it for themselves. xP
  16. Where ya from, whats your age, and how new are ya? :P
  17. I'm cautiously friendly. As long as a survivor doesn't stick a gun in my face I tend to not shoot. I however always keep enough distance between me and any unarmed survivor to make sure they can't bury and axe in my back nor steal from my backpack. xP
  18. Hakultair

    Come and Team Up with us!

    The last 2 points make me not qualify straight away. :(
  19. Hakultair

    Bein scurred.

    I did too last night, I was running trough a forest, could swear i heard someone around me, so i instantly prone, apparently right infront of a piggy, it scared me. T_T
  20. Hakultair

    Am I an ass hole?

    Not against rules, but yes, you're an asshole. ^^
  21. Hakultair

    Weapons of any sort

    Capslock + mic Also, check out a loot map if you qanna know where you´re likely to find some starting guns. The pubs, supermarkets, churches, offices and farms are a good place to find avarage guns. I personally advice you to sprint like mad rather then sneak. Sprint until you find some okish gear, then start being more quiet and careful. When you spawn you got nothing to loose, so take advantage of it and be as quick and loud as you wanna be. xP
  22. Hakultair

    Gun Rankings

    There are tons of those, but here is one: http://i.imgur.com/BuY29.jpg
  23. Hakultair

    A Good camp, gone wrong.

    Hackers don't need a camp to be marked to find it, seems more likely a organized group of players to me. They might be abusing exploits to not loose their gear after they got shot though...
  24. Hakultair

    zombie children??

    You'll get a ton of ppl bitching about being able to shoot kids in a game. I personally never saw the problem with it, it's just a game. But most people feel it's "taking it too far". For some reason it's somewhat accepted when it happens in trailers or series or movies, but in a game it's not accepted whatsoever. There is very few games that allow you to kill kids in it.
  25. Hakultair

    4 shots to kill a Z? [solved]

    Start aiming for the head already! Why does everyone waste bullets on shooting the body? :P