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Everything posted by Hakultair

  1. Hakultair

    Voice chat not working

    Make sure you have your mic selected in the windows audio options, cause I'm pretty sure that ARMA2 uses the mic you've selected in windows are your input device.
  2. Hakultair

    First day as a Bandit

    Paragraphs, walls of text make the baby jesus cry... ;(
  3. I find myself trying to help out newbies whenever I'm not with my group. It's something I enjoy, be it by sniping zombies that are trying to eat them from far away or by patching them up medic style. I just enjoy the newbies, even if they betray me over half the time. xD
  4. Hakultair

    [HELP] Extremely blurry graphics.

    I'm pretty much sure this is your problem, change those settings and it should be fixed.
  5. Hakultair

    DayZ Not Working When Launched in Steam

    I've seen 3 guides coming by in the past hour that tell you how to do this (one was my own). Search. ^^
  6. Hakultair

    My first hours on DayZ

    There is no such server, we can't influence where all the bandits go, it's a bit random. I'd at least NOT recommend one with like 60 players, it's a bad idea if you don't have decent gear. Try go a bit lower population so there are less ppl that will potentially anihilate you. xP
  7. Characters are bound to cd-keys, so if you're using the same, which you are, the HIVE won't know which character to save, and I'm guessing whoever logs out last will be saved. :)
  8. Hakultair

    My first hours on DayZ

    TIP! Look in the bottom right corner as you login/spawn, it should say what town you're in/near.
  9. Hakultair

    My first hours on DayZ

    Hehe, I love meeting newbies in game, it's fun to help 'm out. I'm one of those ppl who loved to snipe down zombies around people from like 1km away. xP
  10. Hakultair

    Need some help :[

    In an hour or 2 I could help you but not till then, since I ain't @ home yet. Hopefully someone will come along and help you before that.
  11. Hakultair

    Got my Flashlight stuck in my Backpack

    I have two suggestions: 1) Relog and try again 2) Switch backpacks
  12. Hakultair

    Mechanics of Murder

    Bandit system got taken out a while back. Every kill on a human now counts as a murder as far as I'm aware. We still call people who shoot others on sight bandits, but the system no longer exists.
  13. Hakultair

    Teleport Hack SE9 Hosted by Tanisen

    Something similar happened to me and my group yesterday, we were driving around when the car teleported to the other side of the map, with half of us still inside and the other half left behind where we were before the teleport, was some weird shit...
  14. Hakultair

    new player, stuck on loading

    Yes, you will, use the filter, and for mission type: dayz That should make it only show DayZ servers. Goodluck, hope you get it to work. :)
  15. Women still can't wear them. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any since hit, the last one i found was on So possibly...
  16. They dropped at the start of 1.7.2, they were bugged but that's also (mostly) fixed.
  17. Hakultair

    Alt F4 is it okay in this situation?

    Officially, no, but I doubt anyone will do anything about it. And I'd not blame you for doing it personally. ^^
  18. Hakultair

    Over Turning a ban

    Don't bother fighting a ban, there is no point. You don't really have a chance unless you were recording while you got banned. And even then chances are noone will care. Fact is that this game is blowing up atm and the staff can't possibly handle all cases like this individually. Take my advice and just move to another server, it's really not worth the effort trying to fight it.
  19. Hakultair

    Script kiddies...

    So what if he can be traced, I wouldn't mind someone releasing a few hacks on this scriptkiddies PC. xD
  20. Happened to make a post about this 30 sec ago. xP http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42561-new-player-stuck-on-loading/#entry404470
  21. Hakultair

    new player, stuck on loading

    Yea, Six Launcher SHOULD update both your beta patch and dayz, but I've read about many instances where Six Launcher doesn't work for some reason. When you don't use SixLauncher you need to do a few extra things manually to make it all work though. Now this is how you would get it to work properly without sixlauncher: - Install latest Beta - Install DayZ - You need top copy/cut the Addons folder from your Arma 2 folder to your Arma 2 OA folder. - You need to copy Arma 2 OA/Expansion/beta/arma2oa.exe into your Arma 2 OA folder (replace the old file or rename the old file) STEAM VERSION ONLY: - Go to your steam library and rightclick Arma 2 OA, properties, edit launch settings, and put this in there: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca - Run the game through steam and hopefully it'll work perfectly now. :P NONE STEAM VERSION ONLY: - Then you need to make a shortcut to Arma 2 OA/arma2oa.exe - Then you need to open the properties of this shortcut, and add this parameter behind the "target" field: -beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca - Run the game through the shortcut and it should work. I'm at work atm so I could be slightly off on some of the folder names, I did this by heart so. ;x
  22. Hakultair

    Chat problem

    Add me on steam or Skype and we can try it in a bit, in a lil over 3 hours i should be online @ home. Steam: NaturezForce Skype: Hakultair
  23. Hakultair

    new player, stuck on loading

    Did you dl the dayZ mod? :P
  24. Hakultair

    Server hopping gone wrong.

    It warms my heart when exploiters get facepwned :3
  25. Hakultair

    Replacing Arma 2 free with Arma 2 retail

    Yes, would work without much trouble. Worst that can happen to you is that you'd need a full reinstall. Keep in mind though that this game is quite demanding of your PC, if you not got a very decent pc high settings is a nono.