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Everything posted by Hakultair

  1. Hakultair

    Picking A Server?

    Pick one near you thats up to date. xP
  2. Not hard to prove really, from what you describe its obvious. Also, it's not like it's a priority for anyone to catch admins banning without enough proof. I mean, like 20% of the servers out there are locked/passworded or kick anyone joining. Not to mention the admins that ban people that kill them. If I catch anyone on my server hacking or abusing exploits excesively they can expect the banhammer. Wouldn't think twice about it.
  3. Hakultair

    Looking for a dayz partner.

    You can hear his accent through the forum? O_O
  4. My experience is different, when I ran over some tents with a car (by accident) all the contents dissapeared on a server reboot. The tents were still there but everything in it was lost.
  5. Here have mine, don't shoot! T_T
  6. Idm the hackers so much that just play around with their scripts... But the ones that ruin others fun really bug me... >_>
  7. Hakultair

    Best Dedicated Server Host?

    I've tried getting a hold of them on TS or skype, but on skype I just don't get a reply for days, or never at all. When I joined their TS3 I waited in the lobby for an hour, twice, after which I gave up.
  8. Hakultair

    Servers Choice

    For me it's the more the merrier, up to a certain extend. From my experience its just utter chaos on the coast on a server that has 60+ people online...
  9. Hakultair

    Best Dedicated Server Host?

    I'm as positive about Vilayer as I used to be anymore. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but their communication skills are lacking to say the least... I'm guessing this is for a big part fault of the massive amount of server requests they're getting, but that really shouldn't be an excuse to loose touch with your existing customers... They should really just get a few more people on support and they could be excellent. Again, Vilayers service is quite decent, but their support is only so-so.
  10. Hakultair

    Additional request for respawning

    I've seen this suggestion at least 5 times. Search function. ;P
  11. Probably short on blood? When you get under like 4k it starts happening. Otherwise I'd guess an infection and you'd need antibiotics.
  12. Someone who joins the server in the 60 seconds before a reboot isn't gonna loose much on a 60 second rollback. People losing all gear due to not logging out is EXTREMELY rare, maybe happens 0.1% of the time. In short, as long as you give the people who have been on the server for a while a warning, and they log out, there should not be any issues.
  13. Try and find a server with an admin that cares, it helps a lot. There seems to be a huge difference in amount of hackers from server to server.
  14. Yes and no, it sometimes glitches your backpack, just empty your backpack into something (tent/vehicle/floor) and you should be fine to equip it. If you wanna be super safe, just put all your stuff away before you equip it.
  15. Hakultair


    Take note that any hacked vehicles also dissapear on a server restart. So if you happen to find a vbehicle that someone else hacked it'll dissapear on the next restart.
  16. Hakultair

    too many hackers. need FF=OFF servers

    That'd ruin the game more then hackers do, nope.avi.
  17. Hakultair

    Another Teleport

    Starting to think it's one guy causing all of these. So many of these posts in the past few days..
  18. Hakultair

    Weapons cheat

    What would you do with proof? Most servers admins don't care, and those that do usually don't know what to look for in logs... :(
  19. Hakultair

    Pending Update: Build

    Finally, the beginning of the end of the ALT-F4 era!
  20. Hakultair

    Chances of Finding a Vehicle Spawn?

    Borders of the map is the best place to find them, cause players hide them there quite often. From my experience there are about 25 vehicles on the map (not counting boats), of which like 7 are bikes and 5 are ATV's. Only newish servers have a lot of vehicles to be found usually. I mean, when I just got my server, I must have found 10 vehicles in the first 2 days... There is a set amount of vehicles spawning I think, after they get destroyed they can respawn on server restarts.
  21. Hakultair

    Alt-F4 Simple Solution

    There's been at least 200 simple solution posts about this issue but none have been implemented yet unfortunately...
  22. Hakultair

    Lag issues

    Mouse smoothing and V-sync cause this. Turn both off, the vsync you can turn off in game, the mouse smoothing is in the .cfg file in your documents folder.
  23. Hakultair


    I can help in about an hour, but hopefully someone else will by then, if not, hit me up on skype or steam. Steam: naturezforce Skype: Hakultair
  24. Hakultair


    When I ordered mine it took about 24h. I payed, then about 24 hours later I got a mail saying my server was ready. I could go on the control panel minutes after I payed. About there support, when I ordered my server the forum was full of posts saying their customer support is amazing, I however haven't experienced that. Any time I message them on skype, or join their TS3, they NEVER respond. It seems they only respond to tickets, and that tends to take them over 24 hours as well. In short, about the support, I feel your pain. But their service itself isn't too bad.
  25. Hakultair

    A proposal to fellow medics

    Not sure that'd a fair assumption to make, but yea, there are a few groups like this around already. I like the idea of it, but putting it into practise will be a lot harder.