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Everything posted by Hakultair

  1. try it a few times, after like 5 times it usually fixes itself, otherwise you'll have to wait for a server reboot.
  2. Complete agree with everything you said. I must admit that I don't always go 100% by the rules myself when it comes down to banning hackers. If I'm sure about anyone on my server hacking or abusing exploits exessively they can expect the banhammer, idc that it's technically against regulation. It's the only way to deal with this at all if you ask me. ;x This has only happened twice so far, but still.
  3. [93958] New: Dropping items while swimming can be disabled with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext Cheers! Changing that straight away!
  4. Hakultair


    Glad to help. ;)
  5. Hakultair


    Might have joined a server thats on a private HIVE. They have seperate character data.
  6. Hakultair

    Night time.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with the day time cycle. Most server do seem to stick to the orignal day/night cycle of their location, but due to desyncs with the HIVE the time isn't passing in sync with real life time. When I play for 8 hours I notice that suually onl 5 or 6 hours have passed in game. Over time it accumilates if server don't reboot in reguarly. And like the previous poster mentioned, most players don't like night and switch servers when it gets dark. PErsonally I prefer night over day, even without NVG...
  7. Hakultair

    New looking for help.

    You forgot the next part: Then get shot by a bandit who saw your flashlight from 1km away.
  8. Hakultair

    How fast can you get the basic gear?

    I feel that once you've been playing for a while and you understand where to look it gets rly easy to find basic gear. I usually am ready to leave the coast 15 minutes after spawning or so nowadays.
  9. Hakultair

    War Z are you having a laugh?

    Not really, I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, there is room for both these games. I agree that both games are not that much alike, only the main theme is really alike, but I disagree with most of your points. I'll be playing War Z when it's out, but I'll also keep playing Day Z, why would it have to be one or the other?
  10. Hakultair

    add team making functionality

    Takes away from the realism of the game though. Friendfire is a huge part of the game. Not to mention that bandits would have a lot less fun, you could trust anyone you'd team up with, not cool.
  11. Apprently chopper still excist on some older servers where they used to be enabled. New server can't spawn them however unless hacked.
  12. Nice story, quite enjoyed that, thanks for sharing. It's a cruel world out there. ;P
  13. Hakultair

    spawning unconsious constantly

    Switch servers or ask the server admin to reboot if you can get in contact with him. EDIT: Also, I'd remove that ID cause hackers can do mean things with it.
  14. Hakultair

    Ever come across an 'unlucky' sniper?

    It happened to me a few times. I've also just randomly been running through a forest, and see a sniper in ghillie sit proned infront of me looking towards elektro or cherno, can't remember. He didn't notice me, but I didn't have a gun. I sneaked up to him, looted his backpack, he had a grenade in there. I took it, moved back, threw it, he must have heard it fall or something cause he turned, fired 1 shot, missed. Then BOOM! And I got me a brand new DMR, poor bastard. ^^
  15. Hakultair

    So what is this game basicly?

    Avarage... newbies die a lot... Most of us that have played for over a few weeks tend to be alive for a day or a lot longer... Alpha is open to anyone, so you'd just have to buy the games yes. It's not a true MMO, it's more and MMO in the sense like Diablo 3 is an MMO. Dieing means losing all the gear you had on you unless you manage to find your way back to your corpse before anyone else does.
  16. Hakultair

    Fn Fal or M14 Aim?

    M14 AIM, no contest imo vs players.
  17. Hackers dont even need to be near you to kill you, they could do it at the push of a button.
  18. IF I run, I run away zigzagging, but most of them can't aim and miss 2 or 3 shots before even getting near. And that's all ya need to pinpoint their location and return fire. ^^
  19. Veteran servers can acvtually also still have that enabled, it's in server settings and can be changed by the admin.
  20. Hakultair

    armor on/off? and other server settings

    1) Armor makes you and vehicles take more damage before dead/destroyed 2) Allow people to go into 3rd person view 3) Guns that aren't supposed to show tracers (bulletpath), like small handguns, do anywayz 4) Enable crosshairs ingame 5) Show when a players dies in chat 6) Locking your server doesn't allow other to join it, this is not allowed and could get you blacklisted.
  21. I disagree, as bad as it is right now, it would be a lot worse without it. Problem with Battleye is that it's not all that hard to bypass, making it useless. But it does quite well against those who don't know how to bypass it. xP
  22. Hakultair

    Police car kills me....

    At least the hacker had a sense of humour. xP