So I'm new to hosting ARMA2 server and thus new with the server config files. After some looking around I didn't have much luck finding anything that can explain what value does what. So, my question, does anyone know what these values within the config file all do? A few of them are obvious (like 3rd person view) but for most of them I'm clueless... Anyone care to enlighten me? ^^ 3rdPersonView = 0; armor = 1; autoAim = 0; autoGuideAT = 1; autoSpot = 1; cameraShake = 1; clockIndicator = 1; deathMessages = 1; enemyTag = 0; friendlyTag = 0; hud = 1; hudGroupInfo = 1; hudPerm = 1; hudWp = 1; hudWpPerm = 1; map = 0; netStats = 1; tracers = 1; ultraAI = 0; unlimitedSaves = 1; vonId = 1; weaponCursor = 1; skillFriendly = 1; precisionFriendly = 1; skillEnemy = 0.7; precisionEnemy = 0.5; Thanks in advance, - Hakultair