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Everything posted by Hakultair

  1. Hakultair

    We need better server logs

    Could you pm me the same script as well?
  2. Hakultair

    FR48 Admin abuse

    I can confirm this. They indeed are kicking everyone they don't know from the server.
  3. Figured out the problem, the config area, where you can change your rcon pass, doesn't save. You can change it in the actual file via the FTP though.
  4. Also wondering about that myself. Got a server form Vilayer but I can't seem to use commands trough the console, and support hasn't replied yet. ;x Tried dling BErcon but that just keeps telling me it's an invalid password, though it's not ;x
  5. Hakultair


    Bump, wondering this myself as well.
  6. So I'm new to hosting ARMA2 server and thus new with the server config files. After some looking around I didn't have much luck finding anything that can explain what value does what. So, my question, does anyone know what these values within the config file all do? A few of them are obvious (like 3rd person view) but for most of them I'm clueless... Anyone care to enlighten me? ^^ 3rdPersonView = 0; armor = 1; autoAim = 0; autoGuideAT = 1; autoSpot = 1; cameraShake = 1; clockIndicator = 1; deathMessages = 1; enemyTag = 0; friendlyTag = 0; hud = 1; hudGroupInfo = 1; hudPerm = 1; hudWp = 1; hudWpPerm = 1; map = 0; netStats = 1; tracers = 1; ultraAI = 0; unlimitedSaves = 1; vonId = 1; weaponCursor = 1; skillFriendly = 1; precisionFriendly = 1; skillEnemy = 0.7; precisionEnemy = 0.5; Thanks in advance, - Hakultair
  7. Hakultair


    Thanks, that helps a lot. ^^