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Everything posted by Hakultair

  1. Hakultair

    What is the best/fastest way to find a vehicle?

    If you're on a new server it's by just walking around (not near the coasts) and keeping your eyes open. But on servers that have been there for more then 2 weeks I'd suggest scouting the edges of the map for other peoples vehicles.
  2. Hakultair

    Not showing Spawning location?

    If you don't see the message try switching around your UI size in vieo options, might help.
  3. Hakultair

    Stuff dissapearing on rejoin

    You may have joined a server with a private hive. Make sure you're joining a legit server and it should save your gear as long as you don't die or get bugged. xP
  4. Admins don't have any more permissions then regular players really. You're most likely victim of a hacker.
  5. Hakultair

    Guarding your bass with a mine

    Beartraps, satchels...
  6. Hakultair

    DayZgear.... wtf?

    I'm sure there are ppl out there willing to pay for that...
  7. Hakultair

    Made it up to the airfield

    There is a car that spawns right next to the one though, red UAZ.
  8. Hakultair

    My Own Server

    Yay you. ;P
  9. Hakultair

    The Hell man...

    Try using Six Launcher for an easy fix porbably. You've likely not got the beta patch installed is what I´m guessing. Alternatively follow one of the install guides. ;)
  10. Hakultair

    Stuck Unconscious Upon Spawn

    You sure it's not just a slow timer? I've had a 10 minute one before, you could otherwise try to get someone to give you some epi maybe?
  11. Not an error I've seen before. Best advice I can give you is: Try to verify the games via steam and try reinstalling the update again. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling the entire thing. EDIT: Alternative could be trying to get it working without Six Launcher, though it's a bit of a hassle to do thAT. ;p
  12. Hakultair

    Despawning Corpses?

    It's being worked on. Along with the issue of players disconnecting to try and avoid death. On the positive side, if they disconnect they risk not being rolled back and having no chance of getting back to their corpse. So at least they (usually) still suffer from it.
  13. Didn't know it wasn't working before. ;x
  14. Hakultair


    Love the idea, I'd make it a minute rather then 30 sec but other then that I love it! Reminds me of L4D2. ^^
  15. Hakultair

    Sun up/down times?

    First, keep in mind that a server admin can decide what time it is on a certain server. So a server located in europe could be on for example australian time if the server admin wanted it to be. From my experience it starts getting dark around 6 to 8 PM server time, depending on weather and sync to the HIVE it seems. Sometimes I'd reboot my server at 7PM and it'll be daytime, then it boots up and its dark out. Sun seems to start rising around 4 to 6 AM server time from my experience. It starts being light around 6 to 8 AM.
  16. Hakultair

    High End Computer And < 30 Fps

    First and most importantly make sure you resolution and 3d resolution are the same. Other then that, use searchfunction to find some topics about optimizing your game. I run a fairly high end machine as well and am forced to run it on quite low settings to stay above 60 fps.
  17. You can copy it but you have to click in the menu (top left) and paste it in using the menu, shift-insert could possibly work too but I haven't tried that.
  18. Hakultair

    All right to kick AFK:ers?

    It's not allowed officially but I sincerely doubt you'll get blacklisted for kicking AFK-players. There's so many server admins out there breaking rules in far more severe ways, and this is minor and imo should even be allowed.
  19. Hakultair

    Look Both Ways Before Crossing...

    That happened to me once while I was logging in, I just logged in and i hear this car sound. I turn around and there's a bus going 80 straight at me like 5 meters away. No ways I could get out of the way. It was a sad day. xP
  20. Hakultair

    Men vs. women

    Well, there is 1 major difference. The female's can't wear camo/ghillie suits.
  21. Hakultair

    Admin Abuse US 465

    To the admin of this server: If you need to do some testing on the server, which obviously can be the case at some times, put "Testing" or something in the title and just lock it for the time you need. As long as you aren't locking your server the entire day it shouldn't cause any problems and you won't have to kick ppl constantly.
  22. Same issue, know response from their support for hours about it either.
  23. Hakultair

    Vilayer Hosting Issues

    ACP from Vilayer seems down. No response from support on Skype/TS3/Ticket service. So guess I'll wait some more. xP
  24. Hakultair

    How to use the glock 17 flashlight ?

    Get out the gun and press "L".