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114 Excellent


About Hakultair

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  1. Hakultair

    Looking for new bandits for our group :-)

    Last I checked UK was part of EU....
  2. Hakultair

    Can Admins teleport themselves ?

    I hacker could infact obtain admin rights using scripts. It is however not required to do all kinda crazy shit. On a sidenote, there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel, I hear whispers of a new beta patch coming which will block hackers from spawning weapons and vehicles.
  3. Hakultair

    What is DayZ now?

    Alpha is typically tested by people who are involved in the development process of the product regardless. So one could consider it to be beta rather then alpha from the get go... Who cares though? I mean, it's just putting a name to the game, it doesn't rly change anything.
  4. Hakultair

    Can i ban for "alt+f4-ing" ?

    In the past there have been servers blacklisted for banning without proper evidence but I haven't heard of such a case in like 2 months. And I openly admit to doing it and have yet to be blacklisted so... :P
  5. Hakultair

    Can i ban for "alt+f4-ing" ?

    That's not how it works on DayZ unfortunately.
  6. Hakultair

    Can i ban for "alt+f4-ing" ?

    Officially? No... Would that stop me from doing so anywayz? Nope...
  7. Huge list... 3 ppl... You should look up the word huge. xP Good work regardless, lets hope they do get banned. ;p
  8. Hakultair

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

    My experience with helping newbies is about 50/50. I rarely get pwned by the, but they try to betray me about half the time, the other half parts ways with me eventually in a friendly manor. :P
  9. Hakultair

    Which servers save faster?

    Unfortunately not as far as I'm aware. If it's not been rebooted in 24h you'll certainly notice it while playing though. ;P
  10. Hakultair

    The game

    You gotta be able to appriciate how unforgiving the game is, but if you can, then it's epic.
  11. Hakultair

    Which servers save faster?

    Any server that hasn't rebooting in over 12 hours tends to be quite a bit slower. Anything without a reboot over 24 hours starts being all glitchy and notice little freeze ups while playing. In short, all servers with active admins are usually relatively quick. ;P
  12. Hakultair

    Never trust a N00b

    And thats why I NEVER keep ammo to my guns in my backpack... :3
  13. Hakultair

    I found a Horn on dead body..?

    It happens. ;P
  14. Hakultair

    I killed Patrick

    Not a bad story, Welcome to DayZ PvP. :)
  15. http://www.arma2.com/customer-support/support_en.html Maybe they can help, noone here can help you though.