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Everything posted by fearz0r

  1. Can I recover my 2 week old character or is he as good as dead now? :(
  2. I've not noticed it, but saying that the server I was on last night had sheets of rain, so I could hardly see my hands in front of me let alone anything around me. Will keep an eye out for it.
  3. wowee.. you have more patience than I. My situation was a little different though, I just met up with a friend, his first time, and so was showing him the ropes. Logged out briefly to eat, logged back in into the desolate plains of "forever alone"... Was quite funny actually, when Day Z teleported me to Cherno it dumped me in the ocean about 20 meters from the shore, near the docks. I arrive on the shore only to have two players spawn in front of me. I hit the dirt, got my glock out and stared at them down my sights... waiting for it to all kick off. Instead, they both get their torches out (was a night server) and trundle off on their merry way, completely unaware that I had a G17 pointed at them for about 60 seconds while laying in some scrubs 8 feet behind where they spawned in. This mod is so awesome
  4. It's the ol' "mob" mentality here Monster. Each person joins the thread, reads the post, and then the replies and quickly feels compelled/obligated to jump in with their two cents. It's a bit sad really, and very childish. People just like shouting and moaning, most don't even care about the subject..
  5. Tried that, ran for about 20 minutes with just the same terrain over and over.. ..however, I swapped servers and was teleported to Cherno >_>
  6. fearz0r

    Updated but still on

    username and password?
  7. fearz0r

    Updated but still on

    It's an Arma 2 update. Beta 95054. However, there's no update for Battleye, so gents, we're shit outta luck for now.
  8. I guess I didn't get my idea across clear enough. The Zombies don't run, they walk. They're your classic Romero style zombies. They attack hard, they make noise when aggro'd but you can evade and escape them relatively easily if you're tactical enough. Infected are the same, well maybe a little bit polished. So by your example, it'll look more like this: Zombie = z Infected = i You = u zzzz > ...... iiii u >>>
  9. Thanks MONSTER, I agree that these new mechanics would be best introduced once the core game has been stable for a while and Rocket and co are happy to start adding new features and functionality. I just wanted to get an idea of what the community would like to see in future releases. Regarding the "Zombie" immunity against body hits, I am trying to balance the new class by making them a little harder to kill (especially since a lot of players find the current infected a non-threat) and require head shots to put them down, meaning you need to have fairly decent skills with an accurate weapon or you need to get closer, in their area of attack. Remember, they're described as being slow and a bit dopey, so they can't be too easy to kill. But it's all up for debate at the end of the day, I'm just trying to get things rolling ^_^
  10. fearz0r

    shot my first bandit today

    Good job mate. I don't usually like to kill others, but two vs one isn't right, you did the right thing.
  11. I made a point of not specifically naming names with my "being a troll" comment, solely because I have no time for petty arguments with people I don't know. I didn't even read your post to be honest, I read the OP and then 2-3 others before losing interest and making my comment before exiting the thread, so please don't feel I'm fingering you out. That said, you may or may not feel you're a troll for the response you've given, that's a matter of opinion really; some might agree while others might not. I think that anyone who cannot form a a civilised sentence to another forum user, but instead either labels them a child, a kid, a cry baby, or any other juvenile retort is a provoking attention seeking troll that just wants to belittle others in the hope of gaining a sense of self-worth.. Lastly, I made that statement about anonymity because the vast majority of internet troll will happily sit at home at their computers hiding behind their avatars and pseudonyms, while throwing out insults and abuse to people they don't know because there's little or no come back from it. That fact that you show your picture and are willing to hand out your address for people to come and find you is just stupid frankly. Just my opinion.
  12. This thread is full of the kind of people I loathe, internet trolls. Anonymity is the scourge of the internet. I doubt anyone here would have the balls to say these kinds of remarks to your face, and yet trolls call others "children". *Sigh* People need to grow up. I won't jump on the band wagon and insult you, but I will say this; take a break from the game for a bit. It's alpha, it's early days yet. There will be things to counter this in the future. If you truly have had enough of it.. well then so long and good luck.
  13. fearz0r

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    I made a poll and thread in the suggestions section for my idea/solution http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36865-zombies-what-do-you-guys-want-in-future-updates/
  14. I don't think players are insane, but I do feel when a platform offers a close-to-real environment with emotionally and psychologically influencing gameplay, it'll have an affect on people. They can become a bit desensitised to the act of killing. Dying in this game is quite upsetting, and I don't mean raging or swearing because you were "fragged" I mean, if like me you invest time and effort into playing it slowly, carefully and cautiously you'd be sad from losing your survivor. I stay away from anyone else, and steer clear of large towns and other places of interest. If my 20 day old survivor died, I'd be sad. It's a natural emotion and feeling towards an almost real event. Killing in this game/mod doesn't hold the same weight as dying, unless you have a particular view or mindset towards others, like I do. I see all others as players like me. I imagine they've been in game for a long time and are just trying to survive, and therefore I try my utmost to not attack or kill them as that upsetting feeling I'd experience if I died isn't something I want others to go through. But this moral stance is only down to the individual, there are blatantly people out there that see this as a game, and other players as fodder. They aren't insane, they're just gamers playing games. If someone was like me, with my mindset, and they then killed someone, and then another, and another, until they were fascinated and obsessed with ending the game/life/experience of others, then and only then would I say that this game/mod has has a detrimental affect on their mentality. I still wouldn't say they were insane, but they certainly wouldn't be themselves.
  15. fearz0r


    Cool cool, not a bad setup indeed. I'd suggest clearing out your day z files out. Installing it again from scratch and this time try using Day Z Commander with filters set to max ping 100. I'm no promoter for them, but I've not had that issue connecting to Day Z since swapping 6Launcher for Day Z Commander. Try only going for East coast servers too, 10mb net speed will go a lot further that way.
  16. fearz0r

    Last night I killed a man.

    haha, yeah.. if this was a stand alone game with a marketing budget, could you imagine the hysteria the media would be in when they realised the type of game/mod/experiment this is?! Thanks CanNerZ, much appreciated.
  17. fearz0r


    Ok, answer these few questions for me so I can better understand your situation; Where do you live (country, not home address please :D)? What is your PC/Laptop spec? What is you internet speed? What version of Day Z are you trying to run? What version of Arma 2 have you got installed? Are you running a stand alone Arma 2 or Steam Arma 2? What servers are you trying to connect to (location, ping, versions, type)? What client are you using to connect to servers (6launcher, Gamespy, Day Z commander)?
  18. fearz0r


    Mate, it's hard enough getting a retail stand-alone pc game to run efficiently and stably on the hundreds of different PC specs out there, let alone an alpha stage modification based on a retail game that is several years old. Don't give up yet. Have faith, someone will eventually be able to help you I'm sure. Keep your cool ^_^
  19. fearz0r


    Slyguy65, daze23 has your answer. Seems to me you have the issue I sometimes get. If your hard drives, net connection and choice of servers (ping) aren't great, then the long loading can be soul-crushingly long. I play with a mate of mine and he's on an old laptop, 20mb net speed on joining the same 100 ping servers I do (don't ask why..) and we sit there on that loading screen for a while, then I get in (60mb net speed and 2x 10k rpm hard drives - ta) and about 3-4 minutes later he gets in. You just have to grit and bear it for now mate. dude, don't troll him. He's clearly annoyed,,
  20. fearz0r

    This game is so f*cked up!

    ^^These.. ^^Especially this one
  21. fearz0r

    I'm Lost, Need Help

    Thanks! Although, I can actually navigate using the stars/sun/watch/clouds etc, so I don't get lost. I know right, like a baws.. ^_^ I also have a map, compass and GPS for when I'm low on "awesome scouting skills".
  22. fearz0r

    Last night I killed a man.

    Hey thanks mate, I appreciate the kind words! I do in fact have a new story to write up, so watch this space <right here..> :D Man, I can see why you did it.. but I don't know, not sure I could really. If Sean and I were shot at, and he went down, then maybe I'd return fire.. otherwise we'd simply throw and smoke and peg it. We're not cowards, we just roll a different way to most ^_^
  23. fearz0r

    Last night I killed a man.

    Wow. That was some story. Powerful stuff. I can't say I completely agree with your actions though, I know I shot someone who didn't know I was there, but the situation wasn't as favoured for me as it seemed to be for you and your group. I wouldn't have killed him personally. You guys killed him because you wanted the weapon he had, he didn't really pose a threat to you like you did to him (2 shotguns and an AK). It was a crime of passion, you all shot him. If it were out of fear, a simple head shot would have sufficed. I'm not judging you at all though, I'm only pointing out my observations from your story. I do believe all people will react differently in the same situation. Karma did come back to bite you though, well your team at least. You should have followed your team though in my opinion. It will stick with you now, at least for a while. If it were real, I'd imagine your actions would have been similar to hiding under a fallen comrade's corpse. That said, it was a good story. Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup:
  24. I feel 30 seconds is a little long. I sometimes server hope in search of servers with better pings (well that was until I started using Dayz Commander - 6launcher showed all servers with a 9999 ping for me), maybe 15 seconds is less time wasting. You'll still get the desired effect for those that combat d/c..
  25. fearz0r

    Man on the hill

    ^^ this. (walk the other way).