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Everything posted by fearz0r

  1. fearz0r

    Dayz = PvP

    This game is not PVP only. It's down to the players you play with. I was on two servers last night; one had most players trading and looting together and the other had a gun battle in the coastal town. If this game was strictly PVP, I would have gotten bored of it ages ago, but I haven't and only because it's how you play the game. if you go to populated areas you're going to run into players, and those players are usually there to kill other players. People shoot on sight now because of fear of being killed first. This is a natural reaction; self preservation. Bandits kill others for loot or kicks; this is natural again.. just like real bandits/pirates/gangs etc. Day Z is exactly what it is trying to be; A Zombies Survival Simulator.
  2. :facepalm: sigh, give back the 8 seconds of my life you stole.
  3. I bought Op Arrowhead just to play Day Z. Best purchase this year! :)
  4. fearz0r

    Very dissapointing

    so this is the same moan as this post? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/71813-wtf-seriously/page__gopid__683855#entry683855 I assume 'your friend' is the person who wrote the other post, and you're 'his friend' who died while camping his body. It's alpha.
  5. fearz0r

    Wtf seriously.

    lol... start over dude.
  6. fearz0r

    Your reaction when...

    I don't shoot players so can't comment really. I've killed a player in self defence, but never checked the body. I was too busy sprinting in the opposite direction. :D self preservation baby!
  7. fearz0r uncatagorised changes

    Zombies are so easy to lose/de-aggro, they are slower when in pursuit and seem to not one hit kill you now. haven't seen dogs yet :)
  8. fearz0r

    Is Morphine rare or what v

    are you looking in those boxes inside the hospital. The ones that are everywhere, and that have 5 morphine injectors in them (per box). seriously unlucky dude.. I have about 6 injectors on my survivor, as I was getting bruce lee punched by the zombies recently causing my legs to break on the first hit each time. So now I carry lots.
  9. fearz0r

    uh... battle eye?

    you're just simply :facepalm:
  10. fearz0r

    Fix the fucking humanity system

    is it a show stopping bug, no? can you still play, yes? is it really that important? certainly not. do you have an understanding about software development? obviously not. please don't litter these forums with pointless threads...
  11. nailed it. OP literally has no idea what he's talking about.
  12. Heard you could play Day Z using the Arma 2 Free version. Googled it, saw this.. haven't tried it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRK1t6tXpbw
  13. lol - a dude with a 'troll' avatar image telling a troll to "Stop posting bullshit"...mind fuck :blink:
  14. Will you always need someone else to help you apply a blood pack? NB: To those of you reading this that instantly want reply with comments along the lines of "Play in a team", "don't expect others to instantly help - noob" etc, for the record 95% of the time I'm in a group at least 2-3 of friends. In the case below, it was early on in my gaming experience with Day Z (maybe 3rd-4th day) and not all of my friends were involved at the time. I've been playing Day Z now for a few months. I decided to write this thread as I was simply curious to see if this was a firm feature or subject to change based on community feedback (as this is an Alpha mod) and is it did, what others felt about it changing. Until I realised I needed help holding my blood pack, I was running around solo with 4-5 blood packs in my Alice Pack. Then one day I was ambushed by a glitched zombie in the floor. He utterly battered me, leaving me with little over 1k blood, broken legs and passing out every minute or so. Making it into a nearby building (crawling) on the outskirts of Berezino I try to give myself blood. I couldn't work out how to apply the blood pack. I was getting quite frustrated. Then all of a sudden a player comes into the building I was in... He sees me on the floor and asks "are you ok?" to which I reply "no, not really". He stands there in the doorway, 5-6 feet from me, just staring at me for a minute or so. I can only assume he's wondering how to best kill me, or maybe was alt-tabbing to turn on fraps. I fall unconscious again.. "sigh, will this guy just kill me" I think to myself. Just then he says "need help?", amazed that I haven't been bludgeoned to death by him already, I reply cautiously "umm.. are you friendly then?", "yup" he replies. Just as I start to reply with "ok dude, there's blood packs in my bag.." he whips out an axe and plants it in my face. Amazingly I didn't die, I fall unconscious again and am bleeding out my last 1000 health... just before dying I realise he's stolen my supplies and has left. I smile and mutter "c**t" before slipping away into darkness. I know this promotes team play, but I've never seen this in game. People kill each other of shiggles and because it's easier than helping them. I wish there was maybe a smaller blood pack or method of medically healing yourself with say 2-3k blood, a blood syringe or something. Anyway, I just thought I ask this question as i've not found anything that answers this through searching the forums.
  15. haha, are you on a commission with them? I'm fine thanks, I'll just eat my :beans:
  16. But you're not funny. I could pretend to laugh if that helps? http://bit.ly/nVDpqe How's that?
  17. Yeah, I look forward to seeing new features, especially now that it's being made a stand alone game. Exciting times indeed.
  18. fearz0r

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    You should knock up a basic economy to help players know the value of their items in your eyes. Just a suggestion. :)
  19. lol, there's a few other posts about this already buddy. Just saying. ;)
  20. fearz0r

    Wheres Rocket?

    saw him online yesterday. he is alive, just pretty busy with today's news.
  21. Mate, I'm not the one with a huge chip on my shoulder. I really don't care if you have a problem with my thread content, or my replies. I don't know you, I won't ever play this game with you (probably), and so you sitting there in the US replying to my thread is only serving to make me smile and give me something to do while at work. I certainly am not huffing and puffing (haha), as you seem to assume. Thanks for the input though, made me chuckle. :thumbsup:
  22. you knows it.. the gloves come off, the white text comes out! :D (although it's actually very light-grey)
  23. Wow, power to you then dude. You sound like a real go-getter! "Visualise your goal, then take it!" All that crazy stuff. I'm impressed how you read a short story that was meant to be there for a chuckle to the reader, and now know all there is to know about my play style and gaming methodology. Fair play really. However, instead of maybe jumping to conclusions and replying with all that emotion, why not simply ask questions or be a little less passive-aggressive? You felt that my "claim" was ridiculous. Why is that? Because it differs from your gaming experience in Day Z? Well dang, I'm sorry I play this game differently to you bub. Sure, I see plenty of team work when I play with my friends, but whenever we've encountered other groups, even soloist in some cases, they've immediately opened fire at us, even when we've been running in the opposite direction. I've seen literally hundreds of videos on YouTube of players working in teams, and even solo players helping random players in need of help. But going back to my "claim", I have never seen this in game myself. I am sure its there, but I've not experienced it, either on my own or with my friends. Looking at some of your other comments; This sounds like a George W. Bush quote.. I'm not sure what you're getting at here mate. In the case of my story I did need help to use the blood pack. I didn't think the guy would help at first. I never even asked him to help, I simply thought he'd just kill me. Also, as mentioned above, this story is from an experience I had ~3 months ago, things have changed since then. I play in a group of friends. We keep away from other players. Again, not sure what your point here is either. umm.. I never suggested I expected a team to come to me, or anyone to help me at all. In this game I really don't expect anything from anyone other than maybe, if they see me they'll try to kill me. That's about it. Hence my first expectation in my story "I can only assume he's wondering how to best kill me". Not sure how you're coming up with these interpretations to be honest mate. (edited as I forgot some people view the forums in different themes)
  24. wow, maybe reading my post again you'd realise I wasn't expecting anything other than death from the player that came into the building I was in. Jeez.. so many people on these forums are simply itching to have a go at others.