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Everything posted by fearz0r

  1. Ok so you guys may or may not have already seen/heard/experienced this hack/script/cheat, but it was a first for me.. especially the floating; that was really quite funny :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvh30bKo508&hd=1 Looking forward to the standalone now.
  2. I hope that's a typo.. "i condone hacking full stop" "condone - Verb: Accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue." That actually sounds incredibly funny. Although, I still think its annoying in the long run.
  3. I stalked this guy through Stary. Saw him go into the market. Waited outside. He came out, I opened fire with my M1014 hit 4 slugs. His character then teleported behind me and insta-killed me. first encounter with a scripter. Bastards.
  4. I see a lot of players expressing the excitement in hunting players. I see the appeal but prefer seeing how close I can get to other players without them knowing. I'm currently up to about 3 meters without them knowing. It's really funny getting that close without them realising that you're there :D I carry a gun but put it in my bag so that there's a risk for me, else its not as fun. When I am found out, I usually throw a smoke grenade and high-tail it outta there, or I rush them making crazy noises over the chat to freak them out before running off. Haven't been killed yet from it, but I assume will happen soon.. it's so much fun, like a drug. I'll thinking of stalking groups next. Anyone else do funny stuff.. other then surviving or pvp?
  5. fearz0r

    My new favourite thing..

    Yeah, that's what I plan to do. I've read you can play sound fx with a bit of software, custom sfx/music etc.. Some fun and games to be had!
  6. So I just logged into a server and saw "Burro was killed" before I even saw the game world. Then I'm here on the coast with nothing. But still have my stats. What the deuce?
  7. too late.. sigh. I thought it was a non-hive server so went to a new one. I lose my stuff from my corpse when leaving the server right?
  8. fearz0r

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    seemed to not change a thing except my humanity.. oh well, I prefer my combat trousers and jar head hair cut :D
  9. fearz0r

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    I just found a camo suit in a residential house. Trufax. Dropped my civi suit for it as it doesn't do anything.
  10. fearz0r

    Hero Skin vs Crap Bandit Skin

    no idea what they look like tbh
  11. fearz0r

    WTF IS THIS!!?

    sweet, go kill a chopper.. or look for camp sites B)
  12. Looking to trade my DMR and 5 mags. Looking for any of the following; MP5SD + ammo M9SD + ammo M4A1 Camo SD + ammo NVG I really don't know what the DMR is worth, but there's lots of ammo so I'm sure one of the wanted items is a fair trade, right? Cheers
  13. fearz0r

    Want to Trade: DMR + 5 mags

    I traded one for an MP5SD. Let me know if you're still interested, I have the other one still. I'm not a pvp player so its not really needed.
  14. only agree with the clothes and M40. Don't need any more weapons in my opinion. but that's just my opinion.
  15. fearz0r

    How manny times have you died? (SIGH)

    Zombie gang jumped me when i first started. Sniped once in elektro. Died while standing next to a fence (legs broken, then insta-death). 3 in total. Been playing for about 70 days. (I don't pvp, and I'm a very cautious player)
  16. fearz0r

    Yep, this mod is dying

    this post again! woohoo.. i love how consistent you whingy peeps are :D
  17. Watching it at the moment, and it hit me; Day Z (stand alone version ideally) would be cool(er) if it incorporated cannibalism! Hear me out here; You've got survivors trying to make it through each day, scavenging what ever supplies they can (food, water, meds etc). Then you have the Bandits that rob and/or kill the survivors for their scavenged items. Well then, what happens when say two survivors can't find food and begin to starve? I would imagine the stronger of the two would plant his hatchet in the other one's head, chop him into steaks and feast! And with it, he'll lose his humanity! Three different character types, different skins, etc.. I think it'll add a cool (and awful) spin on the post apocalyptic scenario. What do you all think?
  18. oh really? well i guess great minds think alike B)
  19. Kill a few zombies, it'll buff your humanity. It doesn't need to be addressed, it's no big deal and will probably be quite different in the stand-alone.
  20. Currently in the vicinity of Starry Sober an NWAF. Willing to raid for trading post. Payment required; M4A1 Camo SD or MP5SD + ammo Let me know if I can help you. Cheers.
  21. fearz0r

    Nerf the zombies... - this update slows down the zombies. no more Usain Bolt undead sprinting circles around you. that said, they're now too easy to lose. simply running around a building once or behind a tree stops them. there was a time back in june where i was chased for twenty minutes through the wilderness trying to lose these undead bastards, now it's like I can still behind a tree and they simply forget why they were running to begin with.
  22. awww bless, thanks for all the effort that you put into that reply, but I don't think that's correct. Thanks mate.
  23. It's a little slow to start, but really cool half way in. Needs sound, and full screen to fully appreciate it. Enjoy! I am definitely going to try this! :D NB: not my video, I just found it.