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Everything posted by TigerMoth

  1. TigerMoth

    Falling damage, very unrealistic!

    That is, in my opinion, good. In real life, im quite terrified of falling from heights, and DayZ is the only game so far that has accurrately portrayed this. In a real zedcalypse, you'd be pretty terrified of falling and breaking your leg. Not sure why you would want jumping implemented, all i see is bunnyhopping and adding nothing of value to the game :(
  2. TigerMoth

    Falling damage, very unrealistic!

    Well, keep in mind you are falling with a backpack full of gear. You could easily add 10–20kg, more even, depending on what is in your inventory. Your also unable to use your hands, since you are wielding a weapon of some sort. Let us not forget that there is also the difference between falling when your aware of the fall, i.e. Jumping with rollerblades, and slipping with ones foot and falling uncontrollably to the ground (with a hatchet and knife attached to your toolbelt ;)) Tl;dr, its fine as it is.
  3. TigerMoth

    [ViDEO] I just became a fucking crow

    Issue seemed to be me starting Armory with Dayz-mod loaded, worked fine after that ^^
  4. Afaik respawning was removed in the latest patch, or perhaps the one before that :)
  5. I love you. If i wasn't such a euronerd, i'd park up your servers all day long.
  6. TigerMoth

    [ViDEO] I just became a fucking crow

    Hm, im running ARMA:2 Free and Operation Arrowhead, both legit and from Steam, and whenever we play Armory i just turn into a crow :(
  7. Heh, i used not to shoot people that were unarmed or with axe/pistol. However, after seeing my brother getting chased by an axemurderer that got so close that he didnt dare to turn around because he'd be in meele range, hunting season got opened! Granted, i wouldnt engage a large group with bad weapons, nor kill a hatchet/pistolplayer from really far away... So, i concurr with TS, I only kill out of the neccessity to protect my own skin.
  8. I think he means the whitelisting from the DayZ Hive, if i recall one has to get whitelisted to access it.
  9. TigerMoth

    We Need More Expert Servers

    Good read, and i might have a few stories to put in later! Right now all of them apart from one end with my death, and that one is a long tale to tell ;) I can vouche for the awesome experiences on expert servers though!
  10. I can agree on vehicles, since there is a limited amount of them on each server. (correct me if im wrong). But at the same time, nothing stops you from raiding their camp and taking their vehicles either, now does it? And i haven't been playing that long or that much, but i've still seen busses, tractors, lorries, dirt bikes and normal bikes. Aquired both bikes and dirt bikes. Dont go to NEAF or NWAF without adequate gear, or be prepared to fight atleast. Get a friend, one of you loots and one keeps watch. Wouldnt it be easier for them to delete all unwanted items that have been hacked into the game? I know people have hacked apaches and a-10s atleast. And im also neither a pussy, cheater nor hoarder. Ad hominem doesnt award you any points.