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About tomer1421

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tomer1421

    is there a way??....

    im 15... i worked for 2 monthes in order to buy this pc,yet my parents gave me the remaining cash i needed cuz what i had was not enough... so,no,when i tell you i dont have money, i dont have money.
  2. tomer1421

    is there a way??....

    sorry,i have no money to pay for originals...not at my age anyway... but thnx for the help...
  3. tomer1421

    is there a way??....

    do you think a cracked full version would do it?
  4. tomer1421

    is there a way??....

    is there a way that i could run DayZ mod with the demo version's? i have both arma 2 , arma 2 operation arrowhead demo\free,and yet i cannot play the game all it does is getting my screen black for a few seconds,then resumes to my dekstop saying 'corrupted data found' or somthing like that
  5. tomer1421

    connecting servers....

    where can i find this free version?
  6. so i first saw this dayz mod about a week ago,and i must confess,i really wanted(and still do) to play it. due my lack of cash,i downloaded a cracked version of arma2,and installed dayz mod on it. but it seems that servers automatically reject cracked games with the error line that i get every time i try to connect a server; 'Bad CD Key - Invalid CD Key' should i even try work trough this issue,and there's this slight chance that i might going to get help? (i don't know if this comunnity supports cracked version for any reasons,so im sorry if this whole thread is a waste of time for each who wanted to help...)