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About 48.Shibuya

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. 48.Shibuya

    Noob Questions

    1. I have never been hurt by barbed wire.. but have read others saying they have. I think I may have just been lucky so far XD 2. Yes you can throw them to distract zeds.
  2. I was murdered by a out house door once.. was funny though so I didn't mind the death lol Haven't died to a tree yet though!
  3. lol yeah, I hate how they have all this op shit stashed here, but ill steal some and blow it up cause people shouldn't have op stuff!
  4. 48.Shibuya

    Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

    doesnt matter what the website says lol. Rocket.. you know the guy who is making this game says they are infected humans and so would die from gunshots like any other human.
  5. 48.Shibuya

    Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

    Since they are infected humans and not zombies, I dont see the reason why a head shot should be the only way of killing them. If they were zombies I would agree, but Rocket has said numorus times they are just infected humans.
  6. 48.Shibuya

    Removing stuff off-map

    ^ dev doesnt agree with you :P