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About wyatthowle@yahoo.com

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  1. wyatthowle@yahoo.com

    "Infected" noises.

    As rocket says, these things arent really zombies but infected humans. Now that is a hard idea to push as we are so culture washed by "good" and "evil". Everyone sees them as zombies, even rocket. Why not give them a bit more of a human persona? a little more emotion. Not just predatorial beast. This could be as simple as changing the noises. (IE the zombie noise in halflife, when played backwards said somthing along the lines of "Please god kill me"). It adds emotion and depth. Or having animations for them fighting the zombie instinct like tearing at their head (Like crazy people do trying to get voices to stop) There is a number of things that you could do it would just be hard to implement them in the game. I see that rocket wanted to add a certain amount emotion attached to these things. But as of their current state they are just cannon fodder.
  2. wyatthowle@yahoo.com

    Respawn suggestion.

    Only problem would be the server performance issue as to saving the spawn location of 50 people. Its feasible though.
  3. wyatthowle@yahoo.com

    What a Difference a Day Makes...

    I appreciate you medics. While i may resort to.. Less then noble methods of socialization. Medics are safe in my ROE. As long as i can recognize you. Everyone else is out for themselves. You guys are out from everyone else. Even people like me.
  4. wyatthowle@yahoo.com

    Self Preservation

    I appreciate your beans. Strangely for how well equipped those guys were they had very little food. As for the grenades it saved me a long walk. And its always a funny story to tell people i threw a grenade THROUGH a building. I could never do that if i wanted to.
  5. wyatthowle@yahoo.com

    Self Preservation

    A well armed group that we got the drop on we werent risking it. We had to go there for our car. We were coming back to fix it up and they were RIGHT ontop of it. We have no remorse. I wouldnt call us bandits. But we do what we need to survive. Luckily that had medical supplies we desperately needed.
  6. wyatthowle@yahoo.com

    The Night and Zombies are Brighter

    Ive heard that arma runs off of a lunar cycle. Which has been in a bit of a.. Well dark stage for awhile now and it is now getting brighter. This could explain your sudden change. And why it was so dark recently when before it was bearably dark
  7. wyatthowle@yahoo.com

    Self Preservation

    This is a story of me and my group of four. I title it self preservation because.. Well we acted first. But i wouldnt call it outright banditry, maybe we are bandits.. But who knows. Its begins with us walking back to Stary from the NE airfield talking on mumble generally having fun being merry go lucky. When i hear faint distant gunshots. No one else hears them so i blow it off... Then i hear more.. and more.. Again im the only one who hears these. My buddy decides to mess with me and fire off a round right beside me. We all have a good laugh and then we hear massive gunfire going on in the town. I count atleast three different primaries. This is where things get hairy. We have our sniper and his guard move into position and i spot two people standing in the door of the stables next to the military tents. He sets up his shot and BANG. Its downrange. He gets a kill and everything goes silent.. Me and our other member move down to go to the only other exit hoping we can catch with their pants down in a mad sprint away.. But we see no one running. The guy with me has an M14 so i tell him to go in overwatch at the big torn up warehouse nearby while i creep over to the back entrance to check for survivors. At this point i assume there is two people left and i suppose i get a little cocky. I peek around the door using Q and see a female in the corner.. Luckily my experience with FPS has trained my reactionary shooting skills and i put two three round burst in her chest.. But she nabbed me too. Neither died.. Immediatly.. While im bandaging i see her die and i get a kill. The bloodlust makes me impatient while my buddies are getting in a flanking position from the front door. peek around again and see another male by the door. He gets more onto me then i get onto him.. Im worried about dieing at this point then someone over mumble goes "Hey do you still have those grenades?" Eureka! This is the answer to my problems. So i line it up as best i can in the door.. I throw it.. WHOOSH It flies in the barn.. And right outside the window opposite of it.. *facepalm*. But i have another.. And i understand a little better how it works. I throw the second right in and it bounces off the wall perfectly in the middle.. I back up a little and sit.. BOOM.. Im dazed and all i can hear is ringing.. I thought i killed myself. but i realized im still alive. And mumble lights up with laughter. Two more kills. That suprised me i thought there were only three in here. Me and my buddy peek around the door at both the front and the back and its clear. We celebrate our victory and loot our spoil. This single experience made the purchase of CO worth it. I appreciate that other group sticking through and attempting to fight. We honor that and it was a good fight. Though work on your team work some. You left yourself wide open when you were shooting with high caliber weapons at zombies. In other news. this is the first time ive eaten a hotpocket in YEARS. And its f'in delicious
  8. wyatthowle@yahoo.com

    Day one...

    I suppose my story starts off like the rest.. starting on the coast near cherno. I had been reading up and looking at resource maps for awhile so i had an idea of where to go. I immediately ran towards the apartments north of cherno and aquired a camo backpack, macarov with plenty of ammo, two days worth of food and drink, lee enfield with more ammo then i could carry, and assorted supplies. I then broke into the hopsital next door and took what i felt i needed being a solo player.. It was a good starting haul. but i decided it was time to leave before someone saw me. I ran.. and i ran. following the dirt road north i searched a small town.. More of a hamlet really.. didnt really find anything of interest other then a watch.. But walking outside of a house i saw somthing that shook me a little.. More then any other game has ever done. I saw a survivor with nothing but a macarov sprint by on the road.. with a horde behind him.. It would have been sort of funny.. But he used free look when he ran by me.. and looked me in the eyes. I could almost sense the fear. I saw him run for a couple more meters then turn around and open fire untill they got him.. More were coming and i wasnt risking my life to save him i fear bad about it now but all i could hear was his characters moans of agony. I havent seen a soul since.. Its a kind of soul crushing loneliness that even a bandit could cure.. perhaps i play too safe.. But that man.. whoever he was touched me.. I wish i would have saved him.
  9. wyatthowle@yahoo.com

    DayZ Group - The Enclave

    Oh this could be fun. Do i get to act like a snob too?
  10. wyatthowle@yahoo.com

    LF Partner......now :)

    Eh ill take a shot. how late you gonna be up? and do you have a mic?