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Everything posted by TemperMode

  1. I got into a firefight with a guy in the Cherno store and managed to kill him, but I was bleeding badly. I tried to bandage, but the server was slow and eventually my blood went down to -1300 or so. Next, someone else came up behind me and shot me a few times. This knocked me to the floor and broke my bones and set my blood at -9500 or so. I waited about 30 seconds or so, but the death screen did not come up and there was no hourglass saying that I was knocked out, so I logged out thinking that I would just respawn, as if I had died. Now when I log in I am immediately knocked unconscious, but I have full blood and the hourglass timer does not move (ie stays solid white). Though I bleed out for a while, I eventually stop bleeding and if I log out and back in, I start with full blood again. Anyways, can someone on ANZ 3 find the unconscious guy in the back of the cherno store and put him out of his misery? I would appreciate it.
  2. TemperMode

    Help to die on ANZ 3

    All taken care of. Thanks to whomever killed me.
  3. TemperMode

    NZ 22 & AU 18

    NZ 22 has a collection of about a dozen buses by the Northern Elektro firestation. Logged out because I don't trust hacked lobbies. Logged into AU 18 and it looks like Elektro has been nuked. And found the body of a guy named Zombitch in the field near the Northern Elektro firestation and he had a light machine gun. Can't figure out how to screen shot while in game, PrntScr just seems to grab the screen behind the game.
  4. If you use PeerBlock or something similar, make sure that you turn it off. It will prevent BattleEye from being able to update.
  5. I was on this server with one other person named Paul. I logged in at the North East airfield and there is a giant building there now, which clearly was never there before. Next thing I know, I'm looting the hangers and come out of one and this guy is running right at me. I put a couple of shots on him, but he DC'd. I logged out, as I assume that he is hacking, as we were the two on the server and the chances that we we both at the exact same spot is pretty remote. Not to mention he brought his own building with him. An enormous enterable skyscraper type that isn't even in the game. I'm pretty sure he is still on there.
  6. TemperMode

    AU 20 New building at North East Airport?

    Derp! Thanks. Tried alt+PrntScr for current frame. Don't know why I didn't think to do just PrntScr.
  7. TemperMode

    AU 20 New building at North East Airport?

    Wait. Barracks? Are you sure you weren't at the Northwest airfield. It was at the Northeast.
  8. TemperMode

    AU 20 New building at North East Airport?

    Tried to screenshot it. A bit of a noob when it comes to PC gaming, so it didn't work. Screen shot turned out to be the screen behind the game. How do I screenshot in-game, by the way?
  9. TemperMode

    NZ 26 M14 AIM

    Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I just found an M14 AIM at the Military tents in Berezino (sp). Is this weapon supposed to be in the game? Thanks
  10. TemperMode

    NZ 26 M14 AIM

    Thanks. Never seen it before and I checked DayZ Database in Assault rifles. Apparently it is a sniper rifle. Whoops.
  11. TemperMode

    NZ 19 Hacker

    Server NZ 19 Time: 11:27pm (UTC +10:00) Sydney Guy was completely silent (no footsteps) even though he was walking around. We saw each other and I moved to the side so I was completely out of his vision. I was aiming down site waiting for him to poke his head around the corner and about five seconds later, I was killed with one bullet from god knows where (I was in an enclosed room, in the back of the store in Elektro). Thanks.
  12. TemperMode

    [How-to] Revert to Dayz

    If you use Steam it is in: C:/Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\addons If not, then I'm not sure.