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bluetorch (DayZ)

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Posts posted by bluetorch (DayZ)

  1. I'm using these drivers on my 560ti 448, was ok a week or so ago so I don't think it's a driver issue. I've had these drivers for a good couple months, since I first installed my card and it updated. Only had trouble with dayz over the last few days. I've made a post here,


    Some seem to think it's a issue with the last update. I'm gonna roll back to and try that tonight. If I can find a server.

    i rolled back on driver versions and got my FPS back up

  2. Anyone else experienced FPS drop updating to the latest driver from nvidia?

    My FPS dropped from 120 to 10-20 after i updated to GeForce 301.42 Driver.

    So basicly i had to downgrade back to my older drivers to get my FPS back up.

    Any ideas what could be the cause behind this?

    Edit: My card details

    Video Adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580

    Video Memory 1.50 GB

    Screen Resolution 1680 x 1050

  3. If i'm not wrong.. Isn't arma 2 more demanding on CPU rather than GPU?

    Just wondering for my self.. I'm running with

    Video Adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580

    Video Memory 1.50 GB

    Central Processor Intel® Core i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz

    Total memory 6 GB

    And i personally think the best upgrate for me would be my CPU and add 2 GB of memory

  4. They're already logging Alt-F4s with a recent patch while they decide how to punish players who do it.

    Rightly or wrongly, people do it as a tactic, so until there's a fix, use the opportunity to motivate you to learn to be a better shot, or avoid conflict altogether. There's a Sniper Range map you can get for Arma 2 that allows you to practice every gun in a target range. Learn headshot kills.

    Learn headshot kills.

    It was a one shot kill, But even with that people can make their bodies dissapear to prevent looting of their gear if they alt - f4 fast enugh..

    It's pretty common too, probaly even lamer than logging out of combat.

    They really don't gain anything out of it
