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Everything posted by shokiiii@gmail.com

  1. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Hacking on UK120 ?

    One moment i run, next moment i'm instantly at 0 blood with a broken leg. Happened literally one minute ago. Fun.
  2. shokiiii@gmail.com

    cheater at LU70

    just watched a guy respawning and spawning himself a motorbike. nice server :beans:
  3. shokiiii@gmail.com

    seattle 86 - hacker/spawner

    jesus fuck how hard is it to upload pics somewhere and post links? the fuck, children today... do you chew alone or do you have someone do it for you?
  4. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Bandit punishment / Survivor rewards

    bwaaa ebil piwate bandit killed meeeeee no.
  5. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Loggin newbs

    bwahahaha, touché, good sir
  6. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Rules of Engagement. I am an Operator, Not a Bandit

    yet, how do you know they have something you want? you kill them and check. :D
  7. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Looking for 'Legit' Bandit Crew

    1. you're no bandit 2. you fail if you can't shake some zeds
  8. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    well. on one side there's kamenka with 5 (iirc) deerstands on the other sire there's electro and cherno, with supermarket, church, several 'houses'/hotels and firestations. yes, and a lot more people. but still where in kamenka would you get a watch, map and a compas? or ALICE pack and, dunno, camo gear? i play solo (because of rl stuff) and there's absolutely nothing to do anywhere near kamenka, untill you get up north to those deerstands and head to zelenogorsk also, PVP now, if there was an abandoned military station, or an upturned truck with some residential type loot or some such shit. i'd actually prefer kamenka 'cause one could get decently kitted (decently to survive) and go hunt for pimp shooty gear inland, and later get back to pvp
  9. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Hacking on UK120 ?

    well, fuck :( the one that allows third person view
  10. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Computer Patrolled City

    um.... no. another carebear
  11. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    OR OR OR OR how about devs add something of worth looting anywhere near kamenka? ofc ppl respawn to get near cherno or electro because there's absolutely NOTHING to loot anywhere near kamenka. And by loot i mean basic stuff, a makarov and a can of sardines, not m4 and NVGs also, cherno and electro are awesome, if you don't want pvp, by all means, spawn in kamenka and head north
  12. aaaahaahahaha that is awesome i suggest that everyone goes through their canal and jsut 'unlike' the fuck out of all their videos what i dislike more than suck pussies is pussies making themselves awesome pr0 players. when in reality... lol
  13. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Bandit/Survivor Skins- WE NEED THEM BACK

    no. get out.
  14. oh shit this actually sounds awesome
  15. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Seattle 95 All stuff from inventory vanished

    private hive?
  16. shokiiii@gmail.com

    EU 8; EU 31; EU31; EU33

    well... don't you need an admin to disable server protection to be able to use hacks safely? i have no idea really, just asking...
  17. shokiiii@gmail.com

    2 Fail Bandits...

    wow where the fuck do you play that noone DCes after getting shot at?
  18. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Dangerous Wilderness!

    good idea, vring something in the woods this game is about PARANOIA and massive empty wooded areas aren't supposed to be safe
  19. You know, you open fire, person logs out, logs in on some other server, repositins behind you, logs in and kills you...? Possible solution would be incremental timers to logging on. When you log on, and log off for any reason, you get something symbolic: 1 to 3 minutes. It's an annoyance if you try to abuse it, but it's not a big deal if you legitimately lose connection: it's jsut a minute. Next time you do it, it's somethign harsher: 7 minutes. next time, 15 minutes. One could go on or leave it at 15 minutes: it's enough to combat fags that metagame that way. ALSO. the body stays there (unrealted, but had to do it, so many kills i lost to ppl DCing the moment i open fire, and i'm shit at this game and don't have gear to alpha them :( flame away
  20. shokiiii@gmail.com

    Suggestion on combating hackers:

    Implement logging to file. With date and time and SELF kills and deaths, weapons used and killers/victims. Also, log their unique data, like cd-kay hash or some such, so that one it's possible to recognize hackers them no matter the nick they wear...
  21. shokiiii@gmail.com

    hacker on US64 (NY6)

    A hacker tale I loged on because it was a nice night with full moonlight. Went on to loot south airstrip. Sneak in, loot several nightstands and suddenly i hear gunshots and drop dead. ok, respawn between komarovo and balota, awesome, lemme try to get mah stuff, because i had rather nice gear (for me, i tend to die OFTEN). First what i noticed was that game was reeeeeeealy laggy and choppy (later i realized it was hacker getting crazy with spawning shit). Next thing that tipped me off was a hundred goats standing in line :huh: Also several tanks, and at one point an upturned f-18 (sadly forgot to printscreen that). Anyway, i get there, check the situation, no zombies, i start sneaking in,and i hear a chopper. Fuck. Hurry up to get in. Oh look! It's a Hokum! NICE TRICK BRO. Crawl in as fast as i can, loot some of my shit and proceed to log off while he's taking potshots at me. Luckily he attracted all the zombies so they weren't paying any attention to me. So. He spawned shit let and right. He also knew from kilometers and kilometers away that i loged and EXACTLY where i was. I gave up and went out, few hours later i loged on (i was stil in that camp) to try to loot the rest of my shit. I asked in general chat if the 'guy who spawns shit is still around'. I was promptly kicked and banne off the server. This game is going places...