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About millenniumgroup@gmail.com

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    M4 still sound like crap?

    Yup it still does, just saw a fresh youtube video. Why isnt the m4 fixed? All the other wepons sounds good, AKM sounds like real. M4 however sounds like a typewriter. They have acess to ARMA sound library, what's the problem?
  2. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    Death Messages...

    hmm trodde du menade vad du sa i posten, förstår du var sarkastic nu. Sorry ;)
  3. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    Death Messages...

    Fjant Absolut fjant
  4. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    Why are there basically no 3pp:off servers - grow a pair.

    how the fuck is this thread still here? and that idiot not banned? A i'm a PC only gamer B your opinion is not a fact C fucking nerd D I play on 3p only so I can view my gear, guess you're too fucking retarded to grasp the concept
  5. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    M4 still sound like crap?

    Aka typewriter? I can't play dayz until I get back from my vacation. But i've heard they fixed a lot of weapons+sounds. On youtube there's a video of 0.45 experimental and in that one the M4 still sounded pathetic. How is 0.45 stable, fixed or still bad? Thanks EDIT if it does sound crap then what is the legite reason? since all the other weapons sounds good
  6. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    things that make you rage quit

    Dean Hall making more empty promises Arma 2 bugs frankiehacker still not banned glitchers nerds on forum telling peopel they are not allowed to have an opinion because it's "alpha" nerds telling other players they are not allowed to rage/vent because it's alpha nerds who use alpha excuse for xxxxx (insert)
  7. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    what dayz needs and will probably never get

    DO NOT BUY ARMA 3. I bought that piece of garbage and it's even worse then sa alpha. They still haven't fixed the notorious insane fps drops while you're inside cities in arma 3. Don't give Bohemia any money for that scam. At least standalone can have the alpha excuse for now. There's no excuse for arma 3 running like garbage yes I have a high end system, no you're not running good fps inside any cities in arma 3. yes there is a huge thread (1 year later) on the forums to backup my claims.
  8. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    pushing latest EXP to STABLE... ?

    Can some of you who run exp clarify: Is the AMK actually an AMK? As in it does MORE dmg vs an m16? I've played a few dayz mods (hard to keep track) but one of them the m16 did more damage which is hilarious. Can we run attachments on AMK? Thanks
  9. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    No update?

    I beg to differ. Ask yourself how would you run their teams? I'd focus ALL of them on the FUNDAMENTALS. Adding more garbage does not in anyway fix the gamebreaing issues. I'd focus the whole team on zombie pathfinding+weapon accuries (complelty broken) and the glitchers. Also ban anyone who glitched. Standalone started dev in early 2012, that's when the clock started Standalone started dev in early 2012, that's when the clock started True I guess. Just getting tred of Dean Molenyx talking on youtube about players being able to take a dump and adding 999 more t-shirts instead of fixing you know the actual game. Standalone started in 2012, so they are up to 2 years now and guess what: glitchers, zombies, weapons etc are still broken
  10. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    No update?

    And NONE of them fixes the problem's we' have had for a year now: Terrible fps inside cities, zombies still acting like the dayz mod 2010. My favorite is the glitching through walls which in a way makes the game unplayable for legit players. Also that bug is over 6 months old. It's clear the devs are not gonna ban the f children who glitches. But hey please add more junk to the server, we sure need it!
  11. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I wish the worst decease to happen to all those morons who glitches in the game, alpha is no excuse. I've been killed so many times due to clans using 1 guy inside a building either glitch shooting me or scouting through walls. This is making the game quite unplayable as it is right now. I thought about reporting those little children, but what's the point? They don't even ban regular hackers even if you have proof (frankieonpchacks is a good example) alpha, beta, glitching is cheating and should be treated as such.
  12. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    Fix for AMD FX-8350?

    So true, but in this case even Intel is struggling with this ancient engine i53570k 4ghz 7950 OC SSD Horrible fps lag in towns.
  13. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    Should i buy the SA? (Frame rate related)

    My specs: i53570k 4Ghz 7950 OC SSD I get around 18-25fps in towns, it's pathetic. Outside from 40-80fps So yeah
  14. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    totally unplayable as of right now due to freeze-lag

    Bump for more to see and upvote
  15. millenniumgroup@gmail.com

    totally unplayable as of right now due to freeze-lag

    Upvoting it now. Problem is still not solved in the latest patch. Also what the hell is up with food? We have to eat every 2 minutes now or die of starvation? My whole screen gets white/grey after a few minutes even if I eat.