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Everything posted by trickkynickk

  1. This dude cracks me up my buddy sent me it a few days ago just thought id post it at 6 min its fuckin great
  2. trickkynickk

    you need to see this if you already havnt

    this isnt my video lol i just think its a good one
  3. trickkynickk

    Is Camo Clothing still bugged?

    i somehow found camo in a church and it reset my zombie kill and everything on my debug (even blood :P)
  4. People that dont want pve server just say "you can just farm everything" or "it makes the game pointless." Well why not have non hive pve servers? it would keep the pve and pvp loot from each other so no one would whine about server hopping on pve to get the good loot. also to the people who just dont want the game mode, just dont play it
  5. trickkynickk

    First murder (@rog)

    Theres a little chopper spawn me and my friends like to loot. we never find the chopper (shitty) but we get guns food ect. usualy i dont shoot people because my computers shit but we were on the roof of the castle and we were looking down to see if it was safe to leave and move on. I noticed a little barrel sticking outside the building aross from me on the roof, turns out someone spawn there. we poped up to see the man but everytime we tried to look he was peaking his head out with a DMR so we laid down and waited to see what would happen. The feeling i got was bad, my heart sank down then took rapid short beats, my hands started sweating because i had been alive 7 days and had enough food and water to feed fuckin cherno for a week. We sat on that damn roof for 15 minutes just watching each other. the other player finaly started to make his way around the ground so i told my friend we were going to shoot him. after about a min or so i found the ghillie man pointing his rifle at us up top. i had to wipe the sweat off my hands and try to do something so i told my buddy to jump up and take the shot, it took about 15 half-aimed enflied shots to finaly get this man down. we hit him in the chest so he fell unconscious then we dumped the rest of our mags into his body. This was the first time either of us had shot at another player and it was way more intense than id expected out of a game but it was amazing to finaly turn the tables.
  6. trickkynickk

    Character Classes

    google warz, thats ur mod right there
  7. trickkynickk

    Tool/Weapon for KOing people

    frying pan would be epic
  8. trickkynickk


    http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/07/19/the-war-z-a-new-zombie-survival-experience?page=2 Is the link to the details its a zombie mod with less arma engine and more zombie
  9. trickkynickk

    Broken bones..SPLINTS

    yeah if you splinted you shlould be able to at LEase walk, and morphine should let you run. its better than dieing by olympic sprinting zombies while you crawl to your death
  10. who ever said you couldnt have another save for PvE only server that dont go into PvP?
  11. trickkynickk

    Bag snagging

    Im not really a bandit but if you are and need some loot while unarmed try this out it seems like good trolling You can mouse scroll over bags on other players and look in them. very simple just take what you want a leave them. It would work if you were going with a "Team" you found so you could just go around stealing or anyone who cant kill you either. So basicly you can rob other players blind of anything from backpacks. Try it out lol ;D
  12. So me and 2 of my friends were playing the other day and this happned. They were walking throught the woods to get me morphine Because i had been reciently attacked and broke my legs and the player named *poporo* shot one of my friends *[ggl]Sean5x* The 3rd guy *[ggl]xjo1* shot at poporo and he logged out We burried sean so he couldnt get the loot because we didnt really want a cheater to loot him but thats my report This we around 7pm Eastern standard This was on *seattle 105* Please deal with the player what he did was pretty rude, i understand bandits are a part of the game but he was cheating
  13. trickkynickk

    How did you discover Day Z?

    youtube suggestions thank you
  14. trickkynickk

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    workaholics pretty butthurt? :(
  15. trickkynickk


    its russia there isnt the slightest chance you couldnt find vodka to make one its a good idea
  16. trickkynickk

    outfits + outfits + outfits

    yeah clothes would be cool to add on
  17. trickkynickk

    Vehicle Spawn Locations

    Ive noticed the spawn rate for cars is pretty long and they only appear in specific spots. I think vehicles should randomly spawn along roads or in buildings because it would be a bit more realistic and make less car spawn camping snipers and bandits love it, also making them spawn realistically like no military vehicles in farms and no tractors in cities
  18. trickkynickk

    House Fortification

    this is a good idea i support it
  19. trickkynickk

    Zombies run like race cars

    they run like crack heads and just as well think it should be worked on a bit
  20. trickkynickk

    Non pvp servers?

    I am not sure if this can be done already but if you can this should be added: PVE only servers or limited pvp. i dont like running around with a fireaxe getting sniped by the bandits and wondered if there are strictly pve server with no pvp at all? if you could add that i would enjoy just survival with friends/clan members -If you can do this just close the post
  21. trickkynickk

    More civi weapons + weapon condition

    More weapon virility would be nice i want to see more russian guns like the mosin and more guns that can share teh same type of ammo but the guns should be able to be cleaned by hand and gun parts would be a bit complicated to fix if it broke
  22. trickkynickk

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    Dead bodies do attract zombies so i think you should at least be able to burn it or get rid of it it should stay or be replaced with a more "reasonable" way if that was what you wanted
  23. trickkynickk


    if you just joined a server and are in the lobby you should be able to spawn in groups/clan members together it sounds like a good idea
  24. trickkynickk

    Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hopping

    dont do that dude i wont lie i have done that but i like to check around server for like the time i dont spawn in night servers ofter i just join randomly till i find sunlight that would screw daytimers over
  25. It happens to me anywhere i just spawn knocked out all the time it really pisses me off please fix it!