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Everything posted by daxter154

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0463Q8xS9s&feature=player_detailpage#t=2907s skip to 49:00
  2. http://www.own3d.tv/live/107041 come in and say hi :D
  3. daxter154

    When you get bored at camp - Turtle walking

    that would be intresting
  4. http://www.own3d.tv/daxter154 :D
  5. thank you for posting good sir. dont forget im giving away random steam gift and other gift cards on the stream to viewers :D
  6. ill be uploading more of these vids in the comming days / weeks
  7. lol i should do it off the cherno factory :P
  8. daxter154

    GET OFF'A ME [0:47 vid]

    What Happens when you drag somebody around when they pass out
  9. daxter154

    GET OFF'A ME [0:47 vid]

    i might make somebody starve next time i do it :P bump-ityrebumb while drunkapparently i bumped this while drunk last night o.O
  10. daxter154

    GET OFF'A ME [0:47 vid]

    ill have to remember that for next time XD
  11. 4 man group got ambushed by 2 guys. 2 men down before we could react, ended up getting a double kill with an m203 :P
  12. daxter154

    High Stakes Ambush - M203 Double Kill

    I would be putting myself at a disadvantage to not use 3rd person, i would put money on a bet that those 2 guys i killed were in 3rd person
  13. daxter154

    High Stakes Ambush - M203 Double Kill

    Yes because turning around and looking at a tree during the day will suddenly make everything you see pitch black. @daxter Nice vid. FYI just because someone has NV doesn't make them a glitcher/duper/exploiter/hacker. yea my bad, it was more the satchel that made me suspect.
  14. daxter154

    Nonlethal weapons (tranq gun)

    i love this idea. Its perfect for players who don't want to kill
  15. daxter154

    FPS issue since the hotfix

    honestly, if it gets rid of the hackers, im not complaining at all.
  16. daxter154

    Camo Tents

    pretty basic concept that would help 'endgame' players who have acquired all of the endgame gear such as: * NVG's * Rangefinder * Silenced Pistol/AR * 50. Cal Sniper * M203 Under-slung While the current tents do a great job, I would ask that a new kind of tent be added, the Super-rare Camo tent. The basic premise would be for a tent that has an extremely low spawn rate at places such as deer stands or mil bases. What would make these tents special would be applying the same mechanic for visibility that chemlights currently have. Only making the tent visible if your within ~30 yards. This would allow the tent to remain lootable, but much harder to find without explicitly knowing where it was placed, but at the same time would give much greater security to the tent owner and make them feel safer placing 'epic loot' inside said tent. While im on the topic of tents, I would also like each tent to be raised to 100 capacity. 50 is a bit low :\
  17. daxter154

    Night ambush (pictures)

    Anti-sardine represent :P nice kills
  18. daxter154

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Ahahhaahahahaha oh rocket gives no fucks
  19. daxter154

    Reverse time severs in the Seattle area?

    incorrect, server times are allowed to be set whenever, as long as the server isnt Perma-day. Rocket doesnt care as long as the clocks are ticking, because some scripts are time based and put strain on main servers when time stops.