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Everything posted by Buick72

  1. Buick72

    Coke or Pepsi?

    I'd say whiskey but some asshat went around drinking all the whiskey on the map! That's why my survivor has the shakes.
  2. Buick72

    Death by wife

    Reminds of when I used to play CS 1.6 and do mini-tournaments (clan VS clan with money on the line) My team was about to win, I was the last one standing and was about to shoot the other teams last guy standing in the back of the head.... Till my girl at the time slapped me int he back of the head and said "Go to bed it's 2am!" I recover and look back up to see a desert eagle in my face and then *BLAM*.... cost me 800 bucks.....
  3. Buick72

    What Is you'r View on the crossbow?

    This. I'd actually use it if 5 bolts didn't deplete most of my inventory space...
  4. Buick72

    I love combat logging

    Wait, when I admitted to combat logging I thought it meant dropping a brick in my pants when I heard AS50 shots landing at my feet. It means disconnecting? Huh, guess I don't combat log then.... Well, least not the disconnecting part *cough*
  5. Buick72

    Rarity of Alice Backpack?

    Last time I walked into the market at Stary Sobor, I found 4 alice packs... and not one can of food... :(
  6. I agree, but only once the animations, movement spead, and general zombie related bugs are fixed. As of now, they can already see me in pitch black, teleport through things, and punch me through walls. As soon as that is fixed, I am all for a zombie buff. It is rare, but it usually happens due to bugs. Like, 1 hit KO's at 12000 blood, legs breaking in the middle of no where when it hits you from 20 feet away... etc. Worst I ever had happen to me was the leg breaking plus losing 5k blood in 1 hit from a zed 10 feet away.
  7. Buick72

    Do you still have artifacts?

    Yep, still get them Radeon HD 6990.
  8. A bug. After all, we are here to alpha test. Granted, we can play and have fun at the same time. Getting killed by a bug is part of an alpha, getting killed by a hacker is, well.. annoying.
  9. Buick72

    Someone tried to rape me?

    Next time, yell "Fire."
  10. Buick72

    Death by ROCK!

    Random objects/events that have killed me. Tents, rocks, doors, railings, stairs, trees, picking up a gun, getting in a bus, running over rail road tracks, falling off a bike, eating a can of sardines..... My favorite was just running through an open field and just collapsing with every bone in my body breaking.. damn calcium deficiency... Still, I have yet to die to a rabbit like my friend did. Got sideswiped by a bunny while running through a field, it broke his legs and took like 8k blood.
  11. Buick72

    0 blood and still alive

    I was shot to hell by a guy with an AK 74 once, and ran away. I was bleeding like a stuck pig from at least 6 holes, I looked up at my blood only to see -1407. 100 meters of running later I was at -3400 when I heard the bone breaking sound effect amplified by at least 10, and I collapsed in a bloody heap at -16k blood.... Strange things are afoot at the circle K.. I mean DayZ...
  12. Buick72

    Wanna know what really burns my ass?

    Aside from the admin BS, it sounds like a good day for the most part. At least got a good story out of it. The other day after getting shot and re-spawning near Cherno, I leave town with an akm and some food. I then find a fully repaired ATV on the west end of town, I hop on and book it out of town into the hills so I can safely see if it has any loot in it. I then find it has 2 AS50s with thermal scopes a bunch of jerry cans, 2 m249s and some grenades as well as other stuff. I had no idea the damned things could carry so much stuff... Anyway. I decide I don't want the gear as it seems fishy to me. So, I take the grenades and toss one at it. BOOM.. nothing happens... I try again... Nothing happens. I shoot out the tires and finally it starts smoking then I Get *YOU HAVE BEEN KICKED FROM THE SERVER* Was not able to get back in either... Seems an admin was not happy I stole his ride and blew it up... Some of these admins are just as bad as the scripters...
  13. This. Run around in open fields looking for choppers. I find AS50s at them fairly often. Though it's true that they are more plentiful than they should be due to duping and scripting, not everyone with an AS50 is a scripter. The one my buddy has right now, is from a helo crash. My m249, helo crash. All of our NVGs... helo crash. This. I died there for the first time today. No one there, only a few people on the server as it was dead of night, another guy joins the server and within 30 seconds I am dead, then he is gone. Funny part is I found a corpse with almost my same load out at Electko when I went to meet up with some friends.
  14. If by that you mean it is optimized shit tons better than the Arma 2 engine.. then yes. Yes, it is a gimmicky PoS. Arma 2 is just poorly optimized and has issues. It takes some tweaking for some people to get it running right. Just play with your settings till you find what works for you.
  15. While his computer is not "High end" it should be enough to run this game at a fair fps. OP, try using a Program called ram disk. http://dayzmod.com/f...ge__hl__ramdisk It helps some with performance issues. That thread has a youtube link that tells you how to install and use it. Hope that helps.
  16. Buick72

    The Kind of Hackers I Love

    That, would have actually been cool. I think I need to go get a Morgan Freeman soundboard.....
  17. Buick72

    What is the best sidearm to you?

    I would have said 1911 a few weeks back, but since it no longer one shots (not complaining) it might as well be a makarov... So, I picked Makarov due to insanely high ammo drops. PDW is nice due to common ammo, but I swear whenever I find one, I never find the appropriate ammo... Just bad luck on my end I guess....
  18. Buick72

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    Sadly no. While the skin looks cool... it's hacked in. Supposedly you wont be banned for picking it up, though you will get labeled a hacker for using it by anyone who sees you. Standard camo is legit (short sleeved camo outfit no helmet) the one in that video is a scripted in skin/outfit. The only reason you might find one at a helo crash is because someone who had it, switched it out for a wookie outfit, or standard camo. So far as I have heard it has a 0% drop chance. Sure, people KOS no matter what you wear, but some servers will ban you just for having that stuff. Even though they aren't supposed to ban people...so far as I know. 9 times out of 10, the people I run into with that outfit on are hacking. God mode/teleporting/100 plus rounds of sustained fire with no reloading.... My point being, yeah it's cool, wish it was in the game legit, but you should avoid it....
  19. Buick72

    Ability to have a bath

    Maybe being a stinky bastard draws flies. So, maybe zombies hear it and smell it thinking you're a dead body... maybe players hear flies and think. "Some filthy SOB is looting my tent!"
  20. Buick72

    Please Remove This Prop Completely

    Going to use that line on my ex after I super glue all her "toys" to her coat rack.
  21. Hey that's not funny
  22. Buick72

    What should the DayZ motto be?

    Come for the adventure, stay for the ... dammit I got teleported into the ocean again! *in a Ron Burgundy voice*
  23. I'd like to see some video evidence of this as well. I keep hearing the same horror stories, and the numbers all seem to match up from the different people I have heard them from, but some video proof would be awesome.
  24. For those of you have driven vehicles in DayZ, most of you know that if shot enough the vehicles will explode. Same will happen if your vehicle is in bad shape and you tap a bush, tree, or shoddy wooden fence. If you shoot a sedans tires a few times with an AS50, you wont just flatten the tires, the car will... explode. Killing all or most inside and or next to it. I think it would be nice if cars exploding was rare. Shooting the engine block, and or tires should just destroy that part and make it so it must be replaced. Cars generally do not explode when shot in real life. Is there a possibility for it to happen? Yes. Does it happen all the time? NO. Yes, I understand that it's a game/mod and not truly realistic. Though, when the game is striving to have some realistic aspects (er... zombies aside) It would be nice if you were able to just disable a car without worrying about it exploding and killing the occupants. Or, worrying that the ATV you're on will randomly explode from tapping a bush or small fence. Maybe I want to shoot out the tires and car jack the guy driving it. Take his car and make him run into the woods without killing him.... This gets insanley hard to do when his engine has low health because one too many shots hitting the front end blow it up. Anyone else think vehicles should only explode when explosives are used? Rocket launcher, satchel charges, grenades, m203 etc. Just seems silly that a sedan will explode just because it's in bad shape and ran over a sheep, or took an AKM round to the radiator... An example: My friend found a tractor with full health and half a tank of gas. Decided to take it, and ended up hitting a hay bail at a very slow speed. He broke his legs, and it instantly exploded and killed him before he could get out. I swear he had to have been going 10mph... Now, while it was hilarious and I almost died laughing, it shouldn't have happened... Anyway, just an idea. Have at it with bashing or additions and changes etc.
  25. It has never happened to me upon death, but I have seen other players respawn with duplicate gear right on their corpse or near it. Some people seem to know how to do this and use it to exploit. Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I think it has something to due with having an older version of the dayZ mod, and or the OA beta patch...