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Everything posted by raw0ats

  1. raw0ats

    Starting a 'Serious Group'

    I am down to group up with you. added you on steam. my id is trdtc
  2. i would be interested in playing with you, added you on steam, my id is trdtc
  3. raw0ats

    A Group is recruiting members

    would be interested in playing with you guys. added you on steam, my steam name is trdtc
  4. I would be interested in joining you guys. I usually play about everyday. my steam name is trdtc. I will also add you and try to get in contact
  5. raw0ats

    NO Name, not recruiting.

    I added one of you on skype, so hopefully we could team up. only problem is i an currently hiding out in a shed because i have a broken bone from a zombie hit so i need morphine. I am so close to the spawns though i am thinking i could just respawn and run and get all the shit i have collected
  6. raw0ats

    Group of Two, Looking for More

    I would be interested in joining you, I am pretty new to the game and still getting the hang of it. Don't really have too much loot, just a hatchet and mismatched ammo I have been collecting