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About DayZYOLO

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  1. When ever i launch dayz from steam/6launcher/DayZcommander it always gets to the "DayZ" loading screen and then says it has stopped working, i validate my files for both arma 2 and oa and it says that it has 1 missing file and i'm able to play after that, then when i close the game im no longer able to play because the same thing happens. Who ever can help me will get rewarded :D
  2. DayZYOLO

    "Scripting Ban"

    I don't know how to script, i always livestream when i play so idk..
  3. DayZYOLO

    "Scripting Ban"

    Never have i interacted with a hacker, it's sorta against my rules and tos of twitch.tv
  4. DayZYOLO

    "Scripting Ban"

    So, i was joining this server (UK237) And several others, and i realise im banned for "Scripting/Hacking, Spawning ammo crates" Now, i play with BIG live-streamers such as www.twitch.tv/brotatoe , www.twitch.tv/qnomnikai and they can vouch that i've never scripted in my life time and i will never, i don't know if i installed a virus which gave away my Reg-Edit keys or something, because i've got 2 of them and one is mysteriously global banned, and i do not know what the hell is going on, i have been getting chased by hackers in my livestream www.twitch.tv/yelotree aswell, and i would just like to know what the hell is going on, i'm actually scared because i am participating in Hunger GameZ with Brotatoe in 2 Days.
  5. DayZYOLO

    New channel for DayZ

    delete this
  6. Need a partner who also does youtube, i've got around ~400 subs and avg 400 views per video, i'm trying to go for Partnership but i need someone to group up with, if you'd like to send me a friend request on skype! : Xhybridxx (I'd prefer if you are experienced at DayZ)
  7. Need a partner who also does youtube, i've got around ~400 subs and avg 400 views per video, i'm trying to go for Partnership but i need someone to group up with, if you'd like to send me a friend request on skype! : Xhybridxx (I'd prefer if you are experienced at DayZ)
  8. DayZYOLO

    DayZ hacker owned Game! :)

    Oh shit' date=' sorry youtube auto affected my video, fixed! [/quote'] No it's still moving around, Kinda hard to watch. Please wait a few mins, the youtube auto corrector is undoing actions! :)
  9. DayZYOLO

    DayZ hacker owned Game! :)

    Oh shit, sorry youtube auto affected my video, fixed!