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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. gumzdrumz@gmail.com

    Best Patch EVER

    Rule #1: Don't get attached to your gear, as your gear won't get attached to you. Now instead of crying about this why don't you head over to https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz and report the bug, so something actually gets done about it.
  2. I play on LAN with 3 other people, haven't had this problem.
  3. gumzdrumz@gmail.com


    I'd suggest using the six launcher if you're having trouble doing it manually.
  4. Thanks for the read, it sounds like you had some fun!
  5. Please explain how I was "crying"? Oh wait, I wasn't. :) Yes I'm a blunt person, deal with it. DayZ in its current state is depressingly easy and it's because of the people who come in here and moan and moan until Rocket says fuck it and nerfs the game.
  6. I'm 23, I'm friendly in this game and I don't want chat. There's a reason we have a forum for this game, instead of posting a topic like this, why don't you go post in the survivor section and see if you can find some new friends to roll with you there?
  7. Bad idea is bad idea. I do roll in a crew from time to time, but I often go off alone as well because it suites my role better.
  8. So I died today after being bored and deciding to run back to Chern to see how the action was down there in a more popular server.. After I click respawn I'm running down the coast and I see a rather large island. I've looked at the loot maps before and only noticed a few "small" loot points out there, but being bored I decide to say "fuck it." and swim to the island. So as I'm running around the island I notice a little area with 4-5 houses and a dock, so I go to check the area out, as I'm coming around the side of one of the houses, I notice 2 ATV's (one blown up), 2 boats and a body on the ground. I instantly go up to the body and loot it. The guy had NVG's, range finder, silenced CCO, large coyote, all of the works, But as I got to thinking about it, was this guy a hacker? How were there 2 ATV's on a island? Should I keep this gear? or get rid of it and play it safe? I've heard horror stories of people getting banned from hacked equipment that they didn't know about.
  9. Thanks for the information, I feel bad for that guy in the video... that fucking sucks.
  10. Oops forgot to mention this, but I did do that.. It said "null".
  11. Does your game have a red border around it at the main menu?
  12. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29702-rendering-issues/ I explain it there.
  13. So the group I'm in is pretty anal about keeping things organized in our tents.. I was thinking that it would be rather useful if we were able to change the name of the tents to "Rifles", "Medical Supplies", "Car parts", etc... when scrolled over, instead of just "Camping Tent". I know in RL you probably wouldn't need to do this, but with the way tents are laid in this game they can become a cluster fuck pretty quick, making it hard to determine/remember where certain tents are.... Sorry if this has been mentioned before, I did skim through the 4 pages of searching "tents" and didn't see anything like this.
  14. I believe this is a server side thing. The server I play on doesn't have these messages.
  15. Reading this thread just gets better and better, the amount of crying here is priceless. After 2-3 days of playing this is what I have noticed: - Zombies actually see with their eyes now, somewhat as they should. - Less leg breaking - More bleeding - Loot seems to be about the same. 1. Step your game up, quit bitching. 2. Learn to read the server information/title, I haven't experienced this problem once. 3. Don't get attached to your gear, as it won't get attached to you. 1. There's always a chance they can, if they're looking in your general direction. 2. If they see you, why wouldn't they run after you? 3. Zombies are hard? You're doing something wrong, the trick now is to avoid their eyesight, you can't just prone anymore and expect them not to see you laying/crawling across flat land.