Been playing this game for months now, and just looking for a people who regularly play. Its the only game i play at the moment, and prob. will be playing til all the good stuff comes out at the end of this year/begining of next year. I live on the East Coast of US. Anyone interested just send me a reply on here. I have a mic to use, with either teamspeak or Skype.
To Anyone I can Join up with Been playing for about two months, and have joined other ppl. in game, but never ends well. Just looking for a regular group of people i can join up with. Im reliable and loyal teamplayer. I have a mic to use, and i mostly use teampseak or skype. I play everyday (unless I work all day). So if anyone is interested and get back to me
I've been playing for about a month. I've dropped all other games to play this, i would like to join up and be a part of your group/team. And i do have skype to use to comunicate with. Just get back to me when you can and let me know wat server you play on