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Everything posted by killerbongz420

  1. Been playing this game for months now, and just looking for a people who regularly play. Its the only game i play at the moment, and prob. will be playing til all the good stuff comes out at the end of this year/begining of next year. I live on the East Coast of US. Anyone interested just send me a reply on here. I have a mic to use, with either teamspeak or Skype.
  2. To Anyone I can Join up with Been playing for about two months, and have joined other ppl. in game, but never ends well. Just looking for a regular group of people i can join up with. Im reliable and loyal teamplayer. I have a mic to use, and i mostly use teampseak or skype. I play everyday (unless I work all day). So if anyone is interested and get back to me
  3. killerbongz420

    Conrad wanted, apply within.

    I've been playing for about a month. I've dropped all other games to play this, i would like to join up and be a part of your group/team. And i do have skype to use to comunicate with. Just get back to me when you can and let me know wat server you play on
  4. killerbongz420

    Introduce yourselves

    Been playing for about a month, im on the east coast looking for other ppl. to join up with