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About natetheripper

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  1. natetheripper

    STILL no servers!

    servers are down for update. My server is telling me its down till 830pm GMT but from what I heard from the server host people were turning them on while they were updating and it screwed a bunch of servers. This is from vilayer so unknown if HFBservers and others are dealing with the same.
  2. natetheripper

    Had Nothing to Do...

    when I was bored last night I ran around and when I found an M4 I would load a round into the chamber. I did this to a few till I got to the NEAF and found a badly damaged acog and another M4. I decided to attach the acog to it and load a mag with 4 rounds and loaded it into the weapon. Of course I took all other ammo found. I will always wonder if anyone noticed this lol.
  3. natetheripper

    Massive amounts of admins being poor sports

    I know vilayer has auto-restart I rent one and it happened to me when I was playing on it. or the restart for updates are a pain too.
  4. natetheripper

    Cannot find one player in Standalone

    Ive noticed this too NWAF was pretty scarce of players
  5. natetheripper

    How do I create my own server?

    vilayer.com $64.20 for 30 slot server just saying.
  6. natetheripper

    [Video] Pussy bandit (my first journey to the barracks)

    You might want to do something about your 10fps issue before venturing anywhere near where you might get into a gunfight.
  7. natetheripper

    Broken my leg

    Survivor HQ page has plenty of EMT threads for help. I suggest if you want to be safe talk with them.
  8. natetheripper

    Buying blood transfuse mate

    I would say ask up in the Survivor HQ here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/ These guys have it setup to help with overwatch just in case your a bandit trying to take advantage.
  9. natetheripper

    Are Helicopters going to be added again?

    You are till you run out of gas and ammo while also taking damage from ground fire. Plus it is a UH-1H not a Y or AH-1 that has firepower or speed. I see that it fits the elements of the game especially only having a very limited number of them per server. If you think about it it is a very plausible scenerio hell I live near a AF boneyard with plenty of them sitting in a mothball state if this scenerio were to happan IRL someone with the know how could get one or a few running.
  10. natetheripper

    What do you think about non-hive servers?

    ^Truth I have my live character with his gear and private server with his crappy gear.
  11. natetheripper

    What do you think about non-hive servers?

    I agree with you as my friends and I have used a private server just for learning and fun (no hacks or spawning). We use it as a way to get used to the way the game works and not have to worry about getting shot and starting over every 5 min. I have sold atleast 3 copys of ArmA 2 CO and possibly more. We do use the live servers as that is where most of the interaction is and also testing because we love this game. Having both options is the best IMO
  12. natetheripper

    Approaching NWAF for first time, any tips?

    Night is your friend I managed to get in to the NWAF last night for the first time and stalked the whole time.
  13. natetheripper

    Camo Clothing Location?

    check med to large civi buildings greater chance
  14. natetheripper

    People are assholes

    Rule #1 unless you know them personally dont trust them and even that is sketchy ;)
  15. natetheripper

    Will Arma2 ( DayZ ) run with my PC?

    Honestly I tried running Arma2 on my XPS 1645 with quad i7 with ati gpu and it ran like poo. Now on my alienware m11x r3 it runs like a raped ape and its a dual core i7 and nvidia gpu. Your processor id going to be a key player but your GPU is the most important. I think you need to have alteast shader model 3.0 on your gpu to play arma 2 along with the basic ram and direct x specs.