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About Desaan

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  1. Desaan

    Lag desyng fun

    5/5 Would read again.
  2. Tent's are buggy as fuck and always have been, I've lost entire tents full of equipment but that's the risk you take putting stuff in there. Not much you can do about it, you can either wait for a server reboot and hope it reappears or just get on with playing. Either that or come back in a few months when the game is in a more stable state, it's called alpha for a reason.
  3. Even when I did eventually get in, I was in the fucking wilderness. Again. I thought they sorted that shit out :@
  4. I've set up a decent size ramdisk partition and put DayZ on there but I also wanted to add more of the Arma2/OA .pbo files that are used during playing DayZ. Anyone have any clue what possible combination of files are being loaded? I'm guessing all of the chernarus_*.pbo's are going to be a given but I'm unsure on the other things.
  5. Desaan

    Do zombies close doors?

    All zombies are hackers, hit you through walls and run through closed doors. Nerf zombies!
  6. I opened a gate and it pushed me backwards and crushed me into a derelict car, shock, fracture, bleed, broken leg. Yeah, that didn't end so well. Made me laugh though!
  7. Desaan

    Direct Chat

    The longer you are alive and the more stuff you acquire tends to increase your paranoia levels, rather than risk an open confrontation and take out a potential threat (who may or may not have a party with him nearby) it's better to avoid contact and a fire fight unless you have no other choice. People like to shoot things and that includes other players, you can pretty much guarantee every other person you run into will be a sociopath.
  8. Desaan

    12000 Blood and one hit broken leg?

    Also, drink more milk.
  9. Desaan

    Logging out to avoid a serverhopper.

    It's one of only a few major flaws the mod currently has but probably the most detrimental. They need to come up with a solution to the server hop loot farming and ghosting. It's out of control, especially as more people become aware of it being an easy way to cheat the game. It's definitely solvable but it all depends how high or low it is on the devs priority list and the longer they leave it the more it will annoy the community.
  10. Desaan

    Debug Forest, How I Hate You

    Log onto one of the Canadian servers something to do with them running a version where the debug forest is actually escapable, look at clouds, run direction clouds are going (they always go west to east) eventually hit the road in the bottom left of the map west of Kemenka. That's how I got out, so I didn't lose anything!
  11. Or they can make so that the server you play on only saves you're position. So if you join another server you spawn somewhere else. (Not too far south or people will abuse that to harass fresh starters on the coast)