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About siccorona

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  1. siccorona

    Character not properly saving to hive?

    It's definitely not a DayZ commander issue. It sounds more like an issue with his installation or perhaps his internet not connecting to the hive properly
  2. siccorona

    Admin Abuse US 888

    I have witnessed this atrocity
  3. As much as I truly love veteran servers. I think I'm going to stick to nametag servers so I can at least identify my hatred.
  4. siccorona

    Please do not remove Alt + F4 yet

    Well then we'll start losing many characters. Hackers seem to be multiplying.
  5. Well I'm done with your servers for a while. I watched a guy appear in front of me out in the middle of nowhere and kill me instantly. That's twice I've died to hackers on both your servers within 24 hours. You need admins.
  6. I thoroughly detest combat loggers, however, if you remove Alt + F4 then you also remove our only defense against the cheaters who are invincible and who teleport you to "Thunderdomes". I don't mind dying to glitches in the game like trees, bridges, doorways or falling 2 feet. I just am not going to stand there while some script kiddie tries to force me to play the game his way. If you remove that so soon it will basically make the game unplayable with the amount of kids nowadays using the thunderdome scripts and teleporting to you or teleporting you to them. I also can't stand running into the "Terminators" that can take 4 AS-50 shots to the face and just turn and laugh at you while they aren't even bleeding. I play solo and I don't trust anyone. I kill whoever I run into (or get killed trying). If you don't like bandits then don't play multiplayer games. I would suggest servers strictly for PVE. Make it so you can't kill other players on those servers. That way the carebears can play their game the way they want to. Perhaps make those servers hold less people so there can be more zombies to even out the lag a bit and provide more of a challenge. Above all I would ask you to please look at other options at least until you can get some of those hacks under control before you remove Alt + F4ing. It seems like any server with 15 or more people that I go into ends up being attacked by hackers within an hour of entering it. That's just my 2 cents.
  7. Funny thing was that I was hunting for camps and heard the explosions and watched them for a full 5 minutes before they got to me. I wish I had fraps installed.
  8. Hackers on US 156 currently. They're teleporting players to Grozovy Pass and killing them. They tried to get me and I aborted instantly. Its 255am EST.
  9. Someone's camp in your server got destroyed on a live stream.
  10. siccorona

    Graphical bugs

    I love this bug. It has allowed me to loot places I wouldn't normally loot and not get killed.
  11. siccorona

    hackers on server: 'dayz - us 260'

    One of the hackers is named Aziz Mustafa
  12. siccorona

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    L85A2 has been confirmed as disabled by Vipeax.
  13. siccorona

    Banned for "NightCrawling" ?

    Sounds like you aren't populating it as it is. Come on in so we can kill you or attempt to before you log off like the coward you are.
  14. siccorona

    Banned for "NightCrawling" ?

    Here is what he really did. 2 of us were coming to raid NW airfield. We were crouch running NW to the farthest hanger from the firehouse. We noticed a player come out of a hanger. He see's us. He runs between the hangers towards the back. We split up. I go around back and my partner goes around front. My partner gets there and gets killed 2 seconds before I come around the corner. Josh looks at me as I bring my gun up to fire and he runs into a bush and disappears as I light up the bush. I then run around and hide in a hanger as all the zombies come after me. I'm also waiting on one of our players to come across the airfield from the southwest. Another is coming from the NW of the airfield by North Barracks. The one from SE spots Josh logging back in behind the hangar I am in and sees him heading towards the back of the fire station. We head through the front door and there is no Josh. So we look out back and see nothing as our other teammate comes from the back industrial area. As we see our northern friend we turn around to go in the fire station and a few seconds later our friend yells out he's been shot and the guy is at the junk pile behind the station. We come out and my friend puts a FAL shot into him as he logs off in front of our eyes. During all this, the first guy who had died has been watching the lobby and has caught Josh red handed and notified the admin. Now Josh we know either died or was in a world of hurt, but neither one of us got a murder. We hightail it back to the first guy who died between the hangers and right before my eyes a player logs in under a tree looking right at us and kills us both. No idea who the guy who killed us was but I assume it was John. Majority of the time when I die it's because of some sniper who I never see. I can't stand finally having a chance for a fire fight only to have the gutless SOB log out and pop up behind us. We all play together and just about any firefight we get into we have someone watch the lobby or player list.